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Fine, you’ll humor your brother if only because he’s right, this is the first time you’ve spoken to him like this. A part of it comes from the two of you not sharing many interests, and while you both clearly have an interest in women, you brother never has had any problem getting any girl he fancies. You, on the other hand…


Alright then, think about it. Five women. Emma, Megan, Emily, Mia and Sophia simply named in chronological order of how you got close to them, romantically speaking.

Emma is not technically your first girlfriend, but she might as well be. Your real first girlfriend was so in name only. Emma, on the other hand, has been nothing but supportive and loving from day one. Her mix of laziness and serious responsibility is one of the things you love most about her. She’ll push her duties until the last minute, but she’ll never miss a deadline or leave anyone hanging if they depend on her.

Megan was extremely shy when you met her. She’d barely talk to you, but under all that shyness hid the most playful and mischievous person you’ve ever met. When she’s with the people she trusts, she can let herself go and have fun. You love her laughter, her bad jokes and, of course, her huge passion for the sport she plays. Her bright smile never fails to cheer you up.

Emily is bold, direct and stubborn. A real sweetheart when you met her, too, telling you you weren’t going to be friends. Yet now you’re here, and she’s one of the most important people in your life. Her straight forwardness is inspiring, in a way. Yet that doesn’t mean she never hesitates. When it comes to the people that matter the most to her, she fears screwing things up. She’s extremely caring in her own, special way. Besides, she’s played an important part in making you who you are now. Not only physically speaking, but you’ve learned from her to be more assertive and be sure of yourself.

Mia really is one hell of a woman. Professionally speaking, you admire her. Your academic interests are very similar, and she’s been a huge factor in helping you find your own path in life. And personally speaking, there’s this motherly aura around her that makes you feel… safe. Like you could leave anything to her and she’d see it through. Her mature view of the world is a much-needed bucket of cold water at times.

And Sophia…

It hard to believe that someone you hooked up with by accident and simply out of the mutual desire to fuck could be someone so oddly… perfect for you. Her interests align with yours as if you were meant to be. She has a beautiful, creative and analytical mind that won’t take anything at face value. She’s… well, a self-made woman. She pushed through her fears to become who she wanted to be, and you can’t help but admire her deeply for it. It’s really no wonder she crawled her way into your heart so fast.

Yeah, the answer is obvious. You guess you should thank your brother for asking you to reflect, because now you’re completely sure of what you’ve know from the beginning.

“Alright, I thought about it.” You tell him, serious yet with a calm smile. “I truly love them all, brother. Like you wouldn’t believe.” You chuckle. “I’m sorry if this isn’t the talk you always wanted to have, but it’s impossible for me to put into words how much I care about them. I really can’t imagine my life without them anymore.”

Your brother scowls at your response and clicks his tongue. “Lucky bastard.” He mutters, then sighs in resignation. “You’re extremely boring, you know that?”

“Sorry.” You grimace.

“I’m guessing you won’t even give me any dirty details either.”

“You guess correctly.” You nod.

“Fine! Man, I don’t know why I bother.” He sighs again and drinks the last of his whisky. “Very well. It’s late, and believe it or not, I do came here for work as well. You didn’t think dad would let me go for two weeks just like that, did you?”

“Don’t tell me you’re going straight to a meeting.” You ask in disbelief.

“Not a meeting, but I have dinner with a client in about two hours.” Your brother says, standing up from his seat and taking his bag. “I’ll go back to my hotel and get ready. And don’t you dare try offering me a place to stay.” He adds, looking around.

You just shrug it off, standing up to see your brother off.

“I’ll contact you when everything’s set up, alright? See you later, Dave. Oh, and keep the bottle. Share it with your girls who do drink.” He casually waves goodbye at the door as he gets in his expensive-looking car and leaves.

Man. He’s… a character.

You wash the dishes, clean up the table, put it and the chairs away outside and fix the rest of your room before laying tiredly on your mattress. Of course, you check the AMA out of habit again.

You see that there’s a special notification again, making your chest go cold. What could it be? The last time this happened was when you discovered Emily’s mom had the app, too. But you know your brother doesn’t have it since you could see his score no problem.

Oh, fuck it! No use thinking about it when the answer is a button press away.

“Congratulations. You have reached a love score of 100 with five different people who equally reciprocate those feelings! That’s no small feat! There’s a new trait available for purchase in the love category.”

I’m sorry?

YOU reached a score of 100 with 5 different people? Does that mean the app secretly keeps track of your own scores apart from those of others toward you? Whatever, think about it later!

You waste no time looking for the new trait, and thankfully the thing is highlighted in pink letters.

Normalized Polygamy (600 Friendship Points / 600 Love Points / 600 Lust Points): The holder of this trait can bypass the law of a single marriage partner. They can marry as many people as they want and the unions will be legally recognized and even thought of as a normal exception to the rule. A reward for those who managed to create bonds that will not break!

Note: This trait requires all types of currency to purchase.

You have a lot of work to do.


What do you do now?


Finn 0815

I was so scared that David would actually screw it up. Jesus. And now he gets the reward for a perfect answer. Brilliant. I don't think he has the points yet. Should be endgame, right? I would now first work through the trip to Japan, maybe add a few twists and opportunities for other ways of the story, and tell the girls about the possibility when he returns. Maybe there are still ways to collect points in Japan.

Finn 0815

David could help his brother improve the relationship with his mother. The app seems to reward sincere and warm behavior towards others. If he manages to warm up the headmistress heart, anything is possible. After all, she likes him least of all at school. Shluld be worth a tousand Points each. ;)