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I had an idea that I'd like to get your feedback on, if possible.

IF (and only if) David could buy a trait that allowed him to marry all the girls, should he tell them before buying it or keep it a secret until he can propose to them all?

If you have any other things to add, make a comment.


Finn 0815

Definitely keep the secret. The argument that he cannot marry everyone is already known. If he find a solution, it would be fantastic. And with a love score of 100 for every lady, she would surely appreciate it if he could make the weddings possible. You should just make sure it doesn't come too flat. That would be the most important step in history. (The story...)


I like the idea of bringing it up to one of the girls before telling all of them. Maybe she tells David to exercise caution and to slowly drop hints over the next couple days/weeks to gauge the girls separate reactions. I assume that any girl with over say 90 love would say yes to a marriage proposal.


Yeah, the problem is not their response, but rather if it's something David would save as a surprise or if he'll consult with everyone as he always does.