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“What!? Why!? He sends me here to an all-girls academy in a town I don’t even know, alone, and now he wants me in Japan!?”

“Calm down, Dave. It’s just for your holidays.” Your brother says, calm and serious but with a hint of frustration and understanding in his tone. If there is one things that you and your brother have in common, is that you both have always been dancing to your father’s tune. Difference is, he’s always had an easier time with it.

“B-But…!” Sophia starts, but flinches when all eyes are on her. She closes her mouth, silencing her protests, yet her troubled expression doesn’t leave.

“It’s not like we had plans, but…” Megan says, looking downcast.

“So you’ll go to Japan after finals?” Emily asks with a scowl on her face.

“I have to.” You tell her, resigned. “I promise, I’d rather stay here with you, but dad can be…”

“An ass.” Jonathan casually finishes for you. “Mostly when things don’t go his way, though.”

“Pretty much.” You nod, giving your girls a wry smile.

“Settle down, everyone. It’ll only be for two weeks.” Mia points out, yet she sighs all the same.

“Yeah, but that means he won’t be here for Christmas.” Emma argues.

Yeah, that’s a huge disappointment. You were looking forward to spending Christmas with them, even if for a little while before they had to go back to their families. You didn’t think you’d be going back to yours.

“Like I said, I have some business here, so we’ll be going back together.” Your brother tells you, then gives you a wry smile. “Dad already bought the plane tickets.”

“Of course he did.” You groan in frustration.

“But enough of that. I seriously want to know how my nerdy little brother ended up with five beautiful ladies.”

Accepting the change of topic, every girl tells a very simplified and PG-rated version of their story, because even if Mia is willing to say some things to make a point, they’re NOT talking about their sex life with a guy they just met. Bless them.

Still, your brother is either clever enough or has a dirty enough mind to get what happened in the parts that were omitted.

You all talk for about one more hour, with your girls slowly warming up to your brother, though Emma still eyes him carefully. It’s not a surprise they like him though. That’s… that’s just how he is.

During a quick escape to the bathroom, you check the AMA out of habit and notice that your brother’s profile is now available. Huh.

-Walker, Jonathan-

Affection Score: 71

Well, now you feel like an asshole for thinking he’s annoying. Well, he is but… you guess your brother really does care about you. After all, this is your first meeting with him since having the AMA. That 71 has to be natural.

You come back to the room to find everyone laughing at some story your brother told, and considering the teasing looks they’re giving you, you’d bet your whole steam account that it’s because of some embarrassing story about you.

“So, you wanted to be a power ranger?” Emily teases with a big smile.

Account safe. Well, if they were hoping to catch you embarrassed about it, tough luck.

“Heck yeah I did.” You admit proudly. “The sixth rangers were the coolest.” You say, taking your seat beside your brother.

“Dammit, you’re growing up.” Your brother laments. “A year ago you would’ve been angry at me.”

“Oh, I’m angry at you for hitting on my girlfriend, not because you told them some silly stories.”

“Still holding a grudge? At least that hasn’t changed.”

“Screw you.”

“Yeah, I love you too.” He laughs and messes with your hair.

Yeah, he’s annoying.

“Anyway, I need to talk to you about something important, Dave, but you guys seem busy and I bet you’re about to be even busier, so I better leave.” He says, getting up from his seat.

“Something important?” That catches your attention. You don’t normally have serious conversations with your brother.

“Yeah. It’s half the reason I’m here, anyway.”

The girls share a look and a wordless conversation. After that, it’s Mia who speaks for the group.

“That’s fine. You two haven’t seen each other in a long time. We’ll leave you to catch up.”

Yeah, it might be disappointing to let the girls leave, but you can’t just send your own brother away after he came from Japan. You kiss each girl goodbye, in a move that manages to make your brother jealous of you for once in your life.


What do you talk about?



The brother was a surprise but I like how its turning out so far.


I'm glad. I had the idea of having David's brother come show up a long time ago, but had troubles coming up wih the details. I'd like to ask everyone though, what do you think of Johnathan as a character? How does he come off to you?


He seems nice, but personable, which is a good balance to keep.

Finn 0815

Hmmm... I am still not quite clear about his intentions. So he seems a bit shady to me. Depends on how he is used in the story. If he's just a plot tool, I'm curious to see how he deals with David and whether he can trust him. If he has a bigger role, then he comes across pretty well written. As always, his character has a good depth. We'll see if and how he can move the story forward.


I actually like Johnathan as a supporting character. Hes not one dimensional. He's kinda an asshole but still a nice guy. I really like how he treats David, makes fun of David as an older brother would but still has his back. So long as he respects Davids relationships with the girls I think he is a great addition to the story.