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Chapter 442: At the breakfast table.

Alice went to get us not long after. She was wearing an apron over her shirt and watched us make out with crossed arms, a furrowed brow and a cute pout.

“You guys are having fun, aren’t you?” she said.

I gave her a sheepish smile. “We, uh…”

Alice sighed and shook her head, her frown turning into a smile. “I guess this is what our mornings would be like, huh?” she muttered fondly to herself. “Okay, go wash up and go to the table. Unless you like cold scrambled eggs.”

“Oh, eww!” Sarah jumped out of the bed and hurried to the bathroom.

With breakfast practically ready, we cleaned ourselves as best we could without taking a shower. That would come after, but at that moment we were all starving.

Diana had a wonderful table set up. Toasted bread, eggs, ham, jam, butter, orange juice, tea, coffee, milk, cereal…

“Aren’t you being too good to us?” I asked her. “You even made us drinks last night.”

“I don’t often entertain guests, but when I do, I do it properly,” Diana said. “I don’t want you to leave thinking I was a cheapskate.”

“Please, we would never!” Mila assured. “Next time we’ll foot the bill!”

“Next time?” Sarah asked. “After the mess we left in her bedroom, I’d be surprised if she ever wants to talk to us again.”

“W-We’ll wash the sheets, I promise!” Noelle said. Then nervously and shamefully, she added, “Um… Anyone know how to use a washing machine? Totally unrelated, by the way.”

“You can use a computer but you can’t use a washing machine?” Alice asked. She sighed and shook her head. “Alright. I’ll teach you.”

Diana chuckled. “Hey, I had a great time, truly. I’d be happy to have you over more often.” She came up to me, cupped my cheek and pecked my lips. “That said, I do expect you to help with the cleaning. And we’ll all pitch in for food and drink.”

I smiled. “Of course.”

“We ARE washing your sheets, though,” Grace said. “So… Alice? Help?”

“I said I would, didn’t I? Now let’s eat. My stomach keeps grumbling.”

We got comfortable and began to dig in. The silence at the table was that that forms when everyone is too busy eating. Morning sex had woken me up better than any cup of black coffee ever could, so I had mine with milk.

The problem with the silence was that it got me thinking again. Last night had been really fun, the morning so far had been… enlightening, in some ways. But as good a time as we were having, there was no more pushing back the topic.

“H-Hey, everyone? There’s something I’ve been meaning to talk to you all about. It’s… important.”

Maybe they could sense it in me, but the mood quickly turned more serious. Diana set her mug down and looked at me.

“Is this about Mr. Allen’s offer?” she asked.

“Yeah, mostly.”

“Wait, Mr. Allen? Mr. Luke Allen? The rich guy whose girlfriend you helped?” Mila asked me.

“The same one.”

“What… Huh? Did you meet up with him again?”

“It was a coincidence. Or kind of. He owns the hotel we went to on Valentine’s Day, the one where Diana works. I went there to meet her one day and he saw me. We made small talk and…” Ugh. This was already starting to get complicated. “You girls remember I’m… possessed by a spirit, right?”

“You know, I actually forget sometimes,” Sarah said.

“Yeah,” Noelle agreed. “For as big a deal that is, it’s not something that comes up much.”

“No, I’m still curious about what other stuff you can do with those powers of yours,” Alice admitted.

“Same here,” Grace said. “It’s too interesting to not test more stuff out.”

“Well, you may get your wish granted, you two,” I told the two more interested girls. “Mr. Luke Allen, well known corporate tycoon, is also possessed, only by a different type of spirit. He has powers and knowledge of the supernatural, has deep connections to underground supernatural dealings, profits from it, and… he offered me a job. Kind of. And it pays disgustingly well.”

I could see the confusion in the girls’ faces. Diana was the only one who knew about this, at least in part.

“Alright, so that’s the summary…” Grace said with a wry smile. “Now from the top, Oliver.”

I told them everything. I told them that he figured out I had powers and that he had correctly guessed the nature of said powers. I told them about the first time he made the offer, about Frey’s opinion that we had a lot to gain from it. I told them I met with Mr. Allen again just two days ago again to discuss more details. I told them what he wanted from me… and I told  them how much he was offering to pay me.

That last part stunned them for a moment. More than the mention of magic, sex potions and the existence of underground black markets, what gave them pause was the sum I was getting offered to be paid. I guess I was the same. Magic talk felt foreign, but money was something we all underwood.

“U-Um… So…” Mila began, stammering. “This guy is… offering to pay you for helping make… magic viagra?”

I couldn’t help but chuckle weakly. “That makes it sound a little more ridiculous, but yes, basically.”

“And you still haven’t given him an answer, right?” Alice asked.

I nodded.

“Yeah, I can understand why you’d hesitate,” Sarah said. “That sounds way too good to be true. Those numbers sound too high to me.”

“I don’t know,” Grace said, shrugging. “I mean, yeah, it’s a lot of money for us, but that sounds close to what my dad’s company spends monthly on equipment and materials. The big players move a lot of money to make even more money. Ask Noelle. She learned that last night.”

Alice chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Yeah, and considering the rarity of what Oliver has to offer and the profit you could make from the product, that sounds like a very reasonable sum. Still…” She grimaced. “An under-the-table deal like this offers you no protection.”

I groaned and rubbed the back of my neck. “The thing is… Call me crazy, but I don’t think Mr. Allen is trying to scam me or something like that. It’s my gut feeling, mostly, but…”

“But your gut feeling tends to be right in this sort of thing,” Noelle said. “Besides, I don’t think it’s fair to just call it ‘gut feeling’, right? It’s more than that, isn’t it?”

Yeah, it was. Thanks to Frey’s powers, I was able to take a peek inside Mr. Allen’s thoughts. He meant what he said and said what he meant. Admitting that he also wanted to profit from what was primarily a personal project made it easier to believe him. The mix of Frey’s powers and my instincts hadn’t failed me so far, at least.

“Then… Um… You should just accept, right?” Mila said. “There’s no reason not to, is there?”

You know, I felt like my own grievances and worries were at least somewhat valid, but finding myself in a place where I had to speak them out loud… I was starting to feel pretty embarrassed about it.


Chapter 443: Opportunities and goals.

“It’s… uh… complicated? Or simple?” I groaned. “I don’t know, it’s… a personal thing. It feels strange to… accept this kind of deal. It feels like too much for too little. Being paid this much would help immensely, but… It’s like a solution to my problems falling on my lap all of a sudden. It’s too… convenient and it doesn’t feel right.”

The looks the girls gave me made me feel like I was a weird, disgusting bug. They looked at me in disbelief, like I was stupid, and… honestly, in their shoes, I’d think the same.

“Really?” Sarah asked. “You get offered an immense amount of money for an easy job and your reason to hesitate is because it ‘doesn’t feel right’?”

“This might be the first time I’ve thought you’re dumb, Oliver,” Grace said.

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Alice said. “But it is a pretty… strange reason to think of refusing. I mean, it’s not like he’s asking you to do something degrading, right?”

“Oliver, if you accepted…!” Mila cut her own words short, pursing her lips. “N-Never mind…”

“I think that being doubtful of whether this offer is legitimate or not is fair,” Noelle said. “But to think of refusing because you don’t like how convenient it is…”

I bit my lip. I knew they were right, of course. Intellectually, at least, I knew. Still… This was the first time that I felt that the girls didn’t understand what I was thinking, where I was coming from. Maybe I really was like a weird bug. My reasoning was dumb and I didn’t have the will to try to explain myself. If I thought Mr. Allen was trustworthy and that the deal he was offering was good, then why even think about it further?

“If Mr. Allen had offered me my own bar, I wouldn’t have accepted his offer,” Diana said. We all turned to her. She had been quiet so far, and I knew it was because she didn’t want to influence my decision since she was already employed by Mr. Allen. “I’m sorry, but I’ll get a bit self-referential for a bit. Do you mind?”

“N-No, go ahead,” I told her.

“I have a personal goal, a dream. I want to own my own bar, a place I have full control over. I want to make a living out of it, to work at a place I built with my own efforts. I want to give that place my personal touch, to make it… ‘Diana’s bar’ in every way possible. But when Mr. Allen offered me to work as the manager at his bar, I didn’t think twice. You know why? Because I wasn’t being given my dream, but an opportunity to get closer to it. It’s a well-paying job, but more importantly, it’ll help me learn more about what it means to run a business like it. I need a lot more experience before I can achieve my goal.”

Diana smiled gently at me. “I think I understand where you’re coming from, Oliver. Being handed things on a silver platter doesn’t feel good. It makes you feel like you owe others, like you didn’t earn it, like you’re being given charity. The desire to climb your way up… I understand it well. But is that really the case here? I’m… not entirely familiar with all this magic stuff, but as I understand it, you’d be providing a valuable and rare key ingredient for a supernatural type of pharmaceutical, right? It’s not unlike selling penicillin for the synthesis of antibiotics.” She chuckled.  “Though I suppose the motivation behind the creation of this specific remedy is more hedonistic than altruistic. But even more importantly than that,” she continued, “is that you need to think about your own goals. Are you being given what you want or an opportunity to reach your objectives? Opportunities don’t always present themselves and they CAN be wasted. Is this one you’re willing to let go of?”


I remember feeling the same when Frey first came into the picture. An improved body, magical abilities, sexual prowess, and none of it truly mine. But over time… I feel I’ve made it mine. My efforts at the gym, the thought I put into satisfying the girls, my job as a waiter… Those are things I feel proud of. Would I have made those changes in my life if Frey hadn’t given me the opportunity of a head start? I probably wouldn’t. I’d still be locked in my room, unable to talk to people.

My goal has never been to earn a lot of money. I got possessed by a Spirit of Lust, after all. Not a Spirit of Greed. I think that should speak to my priorities. I want to stay with the girls. They are my happiness. I want to be the best version of myself I can be, for them and for myself. I fear stagnation, to go back to the days of apathy and silence. Money… doesn’t guarantee either. It will help me stay with them and threaten my own growth, but…

Yeah. I think my mind is clearer now.

“If…” I started, addressing my schoolmates. “If I was able to pay for your higher education, would that help us stay together?”

Their eyes widened, some of them let out soft gasps, some jaws fell.

Grace held her forehead and sighed. “Okay, that thing I said about thinking you were dumb? I take it back. I know how you feel now. Damn.” She groaned. “It’s one thing to have my parents pay for it, but you…”

“So… that’s what you both meant,” Alice said with a grimace. “About not liking being… indebted to someone.”

“It’d be like taking advantage of you, wouldn’t it?” Noelle said, fidgeting nervously.

“Ugh, and he could do it, too,” Sarah said. “If he gets paid that much, he totally could. And he would.”

“Huh. That’s funny. I thought accepting good offers was the smart thing to do,” I told him with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow.

“Alright, point made,” Grace said. “It’s just… Holy crap, Oliver. I didn’t expect that. I thought you’d use the money to start your music career or something.”

“Yeah, same here,” Mila said. “I was thinking that you didn’t want to buy your way into fame or something like that. Not that you were thinking of… this!”

Diana chuckled. “Really? I thought you would’ve seen it coming. I mean, I didn’t expect it, but it makes sense, doesn’t it? He loves you. Of course he wants to do anything to stay with you.”

“Don’t count yourself out of the group, Diana,” Alice told her, giggling. “He’s gonna drag you with us if he has to.”

Diana blushed, but didn’t retort. Should I take that to mean she would let herself be dragged with us if I asked?  

“But…” Noelle started hesitantly, looking at Alice and Grace. “It… really is the solution we were looking for, isn’t it? If we don’t have to study where our parents tell us to… we can stay here, in the city, can’t we?” She giggled nervously. “Yeah, now I get it, too. It really feels like the answer just fell on our laps.”

“No, not… entirely,” Grace said, shaking her head. “Okay, let’s say Oliver’s deal with this Mr. Allen guy goes through. He starts earning that soccer-star level salary and we… accept his monetary support.” I took some satisfaction in hearing Grace’s less-than-pleased tone for that last part. All it took was to be on the receiving end of charity for her to understand where I was coming from. At least part of it. “Let’s say all that happens. We still need to plan things out. For as much money as it is, it’s not infinite. And even if Oliver can pay for our university studies, it doesn’t mean our parents will just let it happen. I know mine won’t like it.”

“That wouldn’t be a problem if you left the house, though, right?” Mila asked her.

“I was actually thinking along those lines as well,” I said.

Like that, the breakfast table became a planning table.



If they get some big house for them all to live in, could we get pictures? Maybe they could have their own personal rooms where they do their own thing, maybe their hobbies and stuff, but they have one massive bedroom where they all sleep together or something. As a person who loves interior design, it makes me want to see what they are gonna get lol.


Hey, get out of my head! I was thinking something along those lines, too! I'd like to have everyone "request" a room they'd like to have in the house. And I also was thinking of looking up pictures because I'm very bad at imagining people and spaces out of nothing. I suppose I could share what I find like I do with the character pictures, too.