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Hello everyone. Thank you very much for your patience. I'm back from my trip and ready to get to writing again, now with some nice new ideas.

I got back home late on Friday and dropped dead on my bed after a 15 hour flight. I was planning on writing all Saturday, but I kept falling asleep on my chair and ended up only writing 500 words. I finished the new chapters on Sunday and almost uploaded them immediately, but decided to let them sit one more night to give them another read in the morning. They are 'serious talks' chapters, after all, and those are always difficult to get right.

I got lots of ideas during my trip, but I doubt we'll see them soon since we still have some other stuff to get through. My trip consisted of a 5-day pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain (112 kilometers from Sarria). I'm not a very religious man, but the sights were beautiful. Almost felt like walking through the Shire from Lord of the Rings. It was tiring, though, but the hardships gave me ideas for some hiking chapters.

After that we took a 20-hour bus from Santiago to Paris and stayed there with some acquaintances for a week. Saw the Eifel Tower, the Louvre and the Palace of Versailles.  Makes me want to write either a school trip or private trip to Paris for Oliver and the girls.

But yeah, it was fun but exhausting and I'm glad to be back home. I really missed writing.



Excited for more chapters!!