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Chapter 404: Questions and testing.

“How did she moan?” Sarah asked me. “Was she loud?”

“No. She did moan a lot, but she was…mellow and warm. It was very hot.”

“What did you like the most about her body?” Grace asked me, tracing a finger along my jaw.

“Her boobs left me stunned when I saw them,” I admitted, gently touching her chest. “They are very similar to yours. You’re both very supple.”

Grace purred and kissed my cheek.

“Was she into anything… unusual?” Noelle asked.

“Mmm… I think she liked clothed play. Like when I dry-humped her with our pants on. She also blew hot air on my dick over my pants. I ended up liking it, too.”

Noelle licked her lips and sucked in a breath. “That does sound nice…”

“Was she more of a top or a bottom?” Alice asked, smirking and with her chin on her hand.

“I was on top most of the time, but she got really into the cowgirl position, too.”

“Did it look like she had much experience?” Mila asked.

“She wasn’t a virgin, but she said she didn’t have much experience with dating and such. I think it showed.”

“Haha. You must’ve left quite the impression, then,” Grace said. “You’ve only gotten better since our first time, and you were already amazing then.”

“I like that we were there from the beginning,” Sarah said. “Seeing AND feeling you get better has been great, but sometimes I wonder how my first time with you would’ve been if it was with how you are now.”

“I mean… part of ‘getting better’ is just getting to know you more,” I told her. “Things like knowing I can be rougher with you and Noelle, or knowing that Grace loves having her boobs played with, or how Alice has a weak spot just before her cervix and how Mila likes it when I put a finger in her butt. That’s the kind of thing I was only able to learn over time.”

Noelle giggled and fidgeted. “Yeah. Our first time was good, but I think it’s much better now that you know how I like it. Actually, even if you’d known during our first time, I wouldn’t have let you… treat me roughly. Not because I didn’t trust you as a person, but because…”

I nodded. “Because that’s not a side you’d let just anyone see, right?”

Noelle smiled. “Exactly.”

“Alright, that’s fair,” Sarah said. “Besides, there are things I like only because it’s you.”

Oh, that reminded me… “Speaking of likes…” I swallowed. “I… had a dream last night. One in which a lust ghost spoke to me.”

The girls all straightened up. “You talked to Frey?” Alice asked. I nodded. “What did she say?”

“She had… new magic tricks to share.”

There were still times when Frey would only let me remember a bit of the dream conversations we had, but this one I remembered perfectly. I remembered her explanations, her instructions, the runes I had to write, and the words she had for me at the end. I told the girls all of it, save for the last part.

Mila dug into her backpack and brought out a water-based black marker. “If you have to test it… Should we do it now?”

I swallowed nervously. “Any objections?”

There were none.

“Then… Let’s try the Silence runes first,” I said.

“Sarah, Mila,” Alice said, “Can you two go outside? Tell us if you hear anything.”


The two girls stepped out of the club room and we closed the door behind them. We checked windows, every corner of the room and even the ceiling. As far as we could tell, the club room could be properly considered ‘closed’.

I grabbed Mila’s marker and carefully wrote the runes on the wall. I know my handwriting is bad, but the runes there perfectly matched what was on my mind, I was sure of that.

There was… no indication that they had worked. No glow, no shift in atmosphere… Nothing. That is, until Noelle rapidly poked my shoulder and made me turn to her.

Her mouth was moving, but no words were coming out. I asked her what was wrong, only to realize that no sound came out of me, either.

With arms crossed in thought, Grace began to stomp the floor. Sure enough, we didn’t hear any stomping, either. Alice knocked hard on the door, and though we didn’t hear any sounds from it, either, it did shake as it should’ve.

Alice opened the door and sound immediately returned.

“Aaah. Aaaah! Oh, it’s back!” Noelle said. She held herself and shivered. “Oh my God! That was unsettling!”

“Wait, so it worked?” Mila asked. “We didn’t hear anything.”

Alice nodded. Her face was serious, deep in thought. “It was ‘silence’ alright. If all the other effects were too subtle for us, then there’s no denying it now. Magic is real. Not a sound existed inside the room… until I opened the door.”

“At which point it’s not considered ‘closed’ anymore and the condition is broken,” Grace said.

“Wait, so it wasn’t that we couldn’t hear,” Sarah said. “But more like there was no sound TO be heard?”

“Yeah,” Noelle said. “Is… that how it’s supposed to work?”

“I don’t think so. It might be a bug in the spell…”

“A bug?” Alice asked, tilting her head.

“An unforeseen issue,” Noelle clarified. “A ‘bug’ is what you call that in computer software.”

“Let’s clean that up, close the door and try again,” Grace suggested. “Let’s see if the bug is replicable.”

We did just that, with Mila and Sarah waiting outside. The effect was the exact same. No sound came from our mouths, our steps or our claps. Mila and Sarah said they wanted to check it out, too, so they switched places with Grace and Alice. Again, the result remained consistent, even with two different people inside.

“I think that one might need some tuning,” Alice said. “Still, it’s already impressive as it is.” She grinned excitedly. “Complete silence… It’s definitely unsettling, but…”

“It has its uses,” Grace said with an equally excited smirk.

“I hope you’re thinking kinky instead of super villain,” Noelle said.

“...A bit of both.”

I poked Grace’s forehead. “Horny only. No evil schemes.”

“Alright, fine!” Grace crossed her arms and pouted, but she’d have to live with it.

I was NOT using these powers to get other people involved.


Chapter 405: A sudden opportunity.

So the Silence runes worked, just not as intended. I briefly wondered if this was the type of bug that could be fixed with a simple change in the code or if it would have to be completely rewritten. To begin with, I was assuming runes worked like software code, which could be completely wrong for all I knew, so I left that to Frey. If I could be sure of something, it was that she would already be working to fix the issue.

On the bright side, the Stillness runes worked as intended. We tried them on the door, then pushed and knocked. It didn’t budge. We didn’t try it with the Silence runes, so we heard the knocking and kicking, but there was no rattling.

Then, at Alice’s suggestion, we tried it on a chair and tried to push it. It remained perfectly in place, no matter how hard we pushed or if we tried to lift it.

I had to agree with Noelle on this one. These effects kinda creeped me out, too. One thing was to know that the subtle and unseen effects on me and the others (like the sex and health improvements) came from magic. Another thing entirely was to feel first hand the drastic effects on the world, like sound ceasing to exist in a room and basically gluing a chair to the floor with just some writing.

In contrast, Sarah and Mila didn’t seem to fully grasp the implications of such magic. They thought it was cool and very weird, but in an amusing way. And then there was Grace and Alice, who also understood how big this was and seemed eager to do more tests. Oddly enough, this was the most Occult Research thing we’d done since the founding of our Club.

The bell rang, though, so our testing was cut short. We made sure to erase the ink on the markers with hot water from the electric kettle we kept in the club room and went to our classrooms.

It was during the first recess, however, that something else distracted us from going back there and continuing our testing. I got a text message from Diana. Just seeing the name on my phone made me smile, but her message made me just a slight bit anxious.

-Diana: Hey, I know this is very sudden, so it’s fine if it’s not possible, but I got this afternoon free out of nowhere. If the other girls are also free today, maybe we could meet up?

-Oliver: Out of nowhere? Did something happen?

-Diana: My boss at Hotel Intimacy forgot to tell us they’d be doing maintenance on the building, so I have nothing to do today and they told me I could go home.

-Oliver: Oh. Then I’ll ask the girls. I’ll be back in a sec.

Back in the club room, I told the girls what Diana said. They all shared questioning looks, and Mila was the first to answer.

“I’m free, so I have no problem.”

“Same here. I can go,” Sarah said.

“Me too,” Noelle said.

“I was going to my brother’s shop today, but that can wait. This is important,” Alice said.

“And luckily for me, my mother texted me an hour earlier saying we’d have to reschedule our dinner together today,” Grace said, sounding resigned.


I walked up to her and gave her a hug. She didn’t try to seem strong. She just hugged me back, shook her head and sighed. “I’m fine, really. This works out.”

We put the rune testing aside for the moment. I texted Diana back to give her the girls’ answer.

-Oliver: They’re free. They say they can meet. Where do I tell them to go?

-Diana: Is Maria’s shop okay? I asked her if we could use her place and she said she had just the thing, whatever that means.

“Would meeting at the coffee shop be okay?” I asked the girls.

“Mmm… We’d have to be careful about what we say, right?” Noelle pointed out. “Although… it’s going to be the same anywhere else.”

“And the shop is emptier when Oliver is not working,” Mila said. “Yeah, I think it’s good.”

The others agreed, too.

-Oliver: They say it works for them.

-Diana: Tell them thanks for me. Your classes are over at 4:00 pm, right? Is 4:30 pm okay?

-Oliver: Yes.

-Diana: Okay then… Wish me luck?

-Oliver: You don’t need it. Just know that they’re not going there to judge you, just to meet you.

-Diana: Alright.

I let out a soft sigh and a tired chuckle. “It’s like I can feel her nerves through the text. Please be nice to her?”

“Of course,” Noelle said.

“Just… One question, Oliver,” Sarah said. “If we meet her and we don’t like her… What will you do?”

“...” Fuck. My chest tightened painfully, my stomach hurt and a knot formed in my throat. That question caught me off guard.

I liked Diana a lot, and I truly had a good feeling about her. The girls themselves encouraged me to go out with her, but… they had yet to know her. It was possible that they didn’t hit it off like I believed they would. “If so, I would ask you to give her some time. However much you think it’s necessary, but just… don’t write her out too quickly. If you still think she’s not a good match for us after that…” Fuck, this hurt. And it hurt more just to think how Diana herself would take it. “If that’s the case, then I won’t see her anymore.”

Painful as it was to even consider it, these five girls were my priority. I could only hope for the best.


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