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Chapter 402: Frey’s progress.

I knew it was coming before I even went to bed that night. I had felt a strong sense of fulfillment throughout the day, something like accomplishing a goal, or more appropriately, fulfilling a strong wish. Yeah, that’s better. My goal wasn’t to sleep with Diana. My true goal lies beyond, something I technically might not ever see accomplished. No, sleeping with Diana was just a strong wish that aligned with my goal, but fulfilling it was nevertheless incredibly cathartic. By then I understood what that feeling was, and I fully expected what would come the moment I got in bed.

Sleep took me and not a moment later I was opening my eyes and finding myself in the dream version of my bedroom. I sat up and looked to the side, where a shadowy silhouette had her back to me, wearing… a lab coat and writing something with a black marker on a whiteboard. I remained quiet and let her finish.

Frey turned around and smacked her marker on the whiteboard, pointing to one of the things she had written in such messy handwriting it painfully reminded me of my own.

“Read this!” she ordered.

“Sexual energy = magic juice?” I read and asked.

“Yes. Sexual energy is, at its most basic, magic juice that comes from sex and lets us do magic tricks.”

I… felt a little talked down to, like Frey thought I was too stupid to understand a more complex or academic explanation. But I understood it was just her not wanting to get technical, so I simply nodded along. “Okay, I kinda figured that out by now. Why bring it up?”

Frey crossed her arms, hung her head and shook it in regret. “Because, in my negligence, I forgot to tell you something fun and very important.”


“You asked yourself how you hadn’t gotten anyone pregnant, remember?”

“Hm? Ah, yeah, I did. Wait, you don’t mean…”

“Contraception works, that’s true. The chances of you getting a girl pregnant are extremely low, but a small chance is still there. However, I know very well how much you love the feeling of finishing inside, and I’m not about to let human responsibilities get in the way of our fun.”

I swallowed. “Meaning…”

“Part of what I’m doing for you here is turning that 0.01% chance of pregnancy into a flat 0% chance. Like I told you, I’m fairly weak and not the most skilled at magic, but if it’s controlling fertility, that’s practically second nature for beings like me. If you wanted, I could even turn those chances around and make them 100%.”

It was a shock to hear, but I still found myself smiling with relief. “That’s good to know. You should’ve told me sooner, though.”

Frey shrugged. “You would’ve forgotten the next morning, and even if I let you remember that little detail, it’s not like you could’ve told the girls ‘We don’t need the pill, trust me’.”

“That’s… fair.”

“You were already using contraception, anyway, so it wasn’t exactly relevant. It’s relevant now because… Dammit! I wanted you to do Diana raw, too! You could’ve! Ugh, damn your stupid sense of responsibility! Condoms are so dumb…” Frey sighed heavily. “I can even prevent any and all STDs, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

Okay, that was actually huge. “Wait, really?”

“Of course! These are all basically baseline abilities of succubi and incubi.”

“How does that work?”


“...Are you really going to give me that answer?”

“I could go into more details, but… Tell me, how does your respiratory system work?”

I blinked and realized that I understood it in broad strokes, but wasn’t able to give a detailed explanation. “Ah. I see. So it’s more instinctive?”

“For the most part, yes. Now, the next item. Read this.”

Frey pointed to something else on the whiteboard, lines and symbols I could recognize as some sort of runes, however… “I have no idea how to read that.”

“Yeah, I’m just messing with you.” Frey’s shadowy figure had no mouth, but still could tell she was smirking. “You don’t need to read it, you just need to remember how to write it. This combination of runes creates a ‘Silence’ spell.”

“Silence? To shut someone up?”

“Potentially, maybe, but this is meant to work in an enclosed area. Conceptually, it should work so long as the place you are in is relatively small and considered ‘closed’, such as a small room or a car. The idea is to prevent noise from getting out of the room itself.”

“The idea? So you’re not sure if it’ll work?”

“Yeah, it’s a work in progress. It should work in theory, but I can’t test it properly here. I’ll need you to do that in the real world.”

I swallowed. “So… I’m guessing I’d use this to prevent people from hearing naughty sounds coming from inside a room?”

“Precisely. A car would also work. Just write it somewhere in the closed area and see if it works. If it does, feel free to take advantage of it. Runes are limited in effect, but are also simple and cost-effective. We won’t need to spend a crazy amount of sexual energy to make it work, and if you have sex when you use one, it’ll basically pay for itself.”

“This is… kinda scary, don’t you think? I mean…”

“I know what you’re thinking, boy, but don’t lose sleep over it. Magic is a tool. You’re the one who determines how you use it.”

“I suppose.”

“Then there’s this next spell,” Frey said, tapping the whiteboard again, this time on another set of runes. “This one is for ‘Stillness’. If it works as intended, it should keep inanimate objects from moving. To use a car as an example again, this spell should prevent it from shaking even if you have a girl riding you like crazy. You could also use it to stop a door from moving, and it could double as a lock of sorts.”

Silence and stillness. These two spells were obviously designed to fuck in hiding. I hate to admit it, but I was getting kind of excited to try them out.

“I… shot too high and also tried to make one for ‘Ignore’. You know, write it on yourself and one of the girls and fuck freely out in the open while people walk past without seeing you. But I can’t do anything that specifically targets living beings yet. I can do spaces and inanimate objects, and I still need you to test these two to see that they work properly. But I promised you I’d do this and finally have something to show for it. I can’t let you do all the work, can I?” Frey gave me a thumbs up. “Condoms aside, that was an amazing day you had with Diana. She’s cool. I have a good feeling about her, too. She gets tired a bit too easily, maybe, but she’s an eager one. She’ll get used to it. What’s important is that you’re very into each other, are very compatible and she’s unlocking a few more kinks in you, which I’m very happy about.”

I felt my face heat up, but tried not to let it bother me. Frey was always watching, and she didn’t judge, anyway, so there was no point in getting embarrassed.

“So to trade you for the surplus of energy today, I give you ‘Silence’ and ‘Stillness’ runes. Use them to fuck a lot more, please.”

I chuckled. “You almost make it sound like I fulfilled a quest and got my reward.”

“Hey, it’s not a bad way to look at it. Remember, a big part of magic are limitations and conditions. Fulfilling previously set objectives or conditions can help magic work better.”

“Alright. Thanks, Frey.”

Frey stared down at me, arms crossed, and remained quiet for an uncomfortably long moment. She then floated closer to me, but her shadowy hand on my head and ruffled my hair.

“You’ve grown, Oliver. You and Diana would’ve never hit it off if you hadn’t taken the lead. You made her feel comfortable, appreciated, respected, understood. You’re getting closer to being the person you want to be, and I think it’s important that you hear that. My powers may give you what you consider an unfair advantage, but you are who you are now because you decided to push yourself to be better. I know this because I know what my powers can do. So… Yeah. I’m proud of you, Oliver. Don’t stop there. Keep pushing yourself and there will never be anything you can’t do.”

I felt my chest tighten and my eyes itch with the threat of tears. I opened my mouth to speak, but the cowardly, embarrassed spirit made everything fade to black before I could get a word out. Before I knew it, it was morning and I had to go to school.

Stupid Frey.


Chapter 403: Yet another morning in the club room.

Even though it was mid spring already, it was only now that I was feeling the weather get warmer. Walking from home to school wasn’t nearly as painful anymore. Summer was just a little over a month away.

And high school as a whole was quickly coming to an end, too. Tests, choices to make, the uncertainty of the future… I really can’t tell if the moment arrived faster or slower than I expected. The school year had been like nothing I’d ever experienced, but I can at least say that things like what I’d do for university were really not high on my priority list. That’s not a good thing, I guess.

I got to school, walked into the club room and sat down at the table. I was alone, my headphones still on, but I wasn’t paying much attention to the music, or anything at all, really. My head was running circles around itself, wondering what I’d do to make things work with the girls, with Diana, with university, with the possibility of us going different ways…  So when the door opened I got so startled my body jumped.

“Oliver, we have a problem!” Mila said, walking into the room with Alice and Sarah.

“What? What happened!?” I asked, worried.

“Who are you going to take to prom!?” Mila asked me.

I sank in my seat as if all strength had suddenly left me.

“Well, that wasn’t as funny as we thought it would be…” Sarah said.

“I forgot there’s prom, too…” I mumbled, throwing my head back.

“Okay, from the top, Oliver,” Alice said, giggling, standing behind me, holding my head and leaning down to kiss my forehead. “Good morning, for starters.”

I smiled. “Good morning.”

“Now, what’s on your mind? Did things not go well yesterday?”

I shook my head. “No, it’s not that. The school year is ending, and I was… thinking.”

“Ah.” Alice smiled wryly. 

“Couldn’t have picked a worse timing for a joke, huh?” Mila said.

“No, it’s fine,” I said, laughing. “Still… Prom, huh? When the school year started, I knew for sure I wasn’t going.”

“Aww, seriously?” Mila frowned.

“You know, I was considering not going, either,” Alice said, taking a seat beside me. Mila and Sarah kissed me good morning then sat across from us. “That was before I got a boyfriend, though. Now I want to brag a bit.”

“Right?” Mila said, beaming. “I bet Oliver in a tuxedo would blow minds.”

“Someone already asked me if I’d go to prom with him,” Sarah said, making us turn to her with very confused looks.

“The hell?” Mila said.

“Did he not know you have a boyfriend?” Alice asked.

“No, he knew,” Sarah said, frowning. “He said something like ‘Hey, if your boyfriend is not treating you right, I’d be happy to take you to prom instead. I’ll treat you the way you deserve’. He tried to sound all suave, but it came out really sleazy.”

“Huh. Honestly, I kinda envy that confidence,” I said. “I can’t even be mad.”

Sarah smiled. “What, you’re not jealous?”

“Did you say yes?”

“Of course not.”

“Then why would I be jealous?”

Sarah stuck her tongue out to me. “Boo. I knew you wouldn’t cause a scene, but I was hoping for some worry. Boring.”

I grinned. “Trusting you is boring? And shouldn’t you be the one jealous? I spent all of yesterday with Diana, remember?”

Sarah grinned back. “I’m not jealous at all. I want to hear the details.”

“Same,” Alice said, smirking. “Did you get past second base?”

“Nah, I bet he won the game with nothing but home runs,” Mila said.

“Let's wait a bit,” I told them. “Grace won’t forgive me if I start without her. Noelle probably would, but I’d still rather wait,” I joked.

I asked the girls what they did on the weekend. Mila hung out with some other friends of hers, Sarah stayed home and had to help her little sister with homework and Alice went shopping with Isabelle and Noelle. Grace and Noelle arrived while we were talking.

“Did we miss the date story?” Grace asked after I kissed her good morning.

“No, we were waiting for you two,” I told her.

“I’m assuming it went well, then,” Noelle said, taking a seat to my left while Grace sat on my lap.

“It did. I… Man, I know we’ve talked about it, I know you girls are okay with it, but it still feels weird to tell you about me seeing someone else.”

“And that you feel that way is part of the reason we’re okay with it,” Grace said, kissing my cheek. “Go on. No need for shame.”

“Okay, then.” I took a deep breath. “I like her a lot. She’s amazing, and I think you’ll like her, too. If she can control her own nerves around you, at least.”

“Did she glare at you or act coldly?” Noelle asked.

“Not at all. We had a couple awkward moments, but we got over them quickly. Diana is very straightforward but worries that her words or actions might trouble others. That makes her hesitate, stop and be… hard to approach.”

“Ah, so like Sarah if she was more… like you,” Mila said, blinking in realization. “Oh.”

“No wonder you two got along, then,” Alice said.

“And hearing that is reassuring,” Noelle added. “I was worried she was simply… confrontational.”

“No, she’s very sweet. Once we got all the awkwardness out of the way, she was very easy to talk to. And… Well… Yeah, we’re very compatible in bed, too.”

“There it is!” Grace said. “We need details, love! Details!”

I didn’t hold anything back. I could practically feel the excitement and arousal in the air. Even Noelle was rubbing her thighs together as I recounted yesterday’s events, her face red and lips grinning.

And I have to admit, telling them was pretty arousing for me, too.


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