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Chapter 386: Intermission - Worries blown away.

Diana’s car wasn’t particularly big, so there wasn’t much space in the back. It wasn’t a concern. In fact, the closer they had to be, the better.

Oliver removed his peacoat, leaving him in only a tightfitting V-neck sweater. Seeing his figure like that almost made Diana’s mouth water.

He mashed his lips against hers, sending delightful shivers through her body from head to toes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and dragged him down with her as she threw herself back on the seats. It made him lose his balance, causing Oliver to fall on top of her, his chest pressing down on her boobs.

She didn’t push him away. The closeness, the weight of his body on top of hers… It was turning her on even more. Diana opened her mouth and let him shove his tongue inside. He was devouring her, making their little kissing session up in the tower look like little pecks in comparison.

Diana moaned softly yet candidly, her own tongue moving to match Oliver’s while she played with his hair in the back of his head. She felt lightheaded, like a rush of dopamine was being fed directly to her brain from his mouth. Her body tingled and became hotter by the second, her crotch starting to become moist. 

Oliver was keeping his hands firmly at her waist, but with the way they were moving, her t-shirt began to slide up, letting her feel the touch of his fingers directly on the skin around her midriff.

Fuck, it was so good. So, so good…! Diana could barely think straight, and all they were doing was making out.

She was so conflicted on the matter of… intimacy with him. She was attracted to him, she found him to be cute, handsome and sexy. She wanted to be like this with him. But at the same time, she was afraid he ONLY wanted her like this. A woman to be used for sex and nothing else.

‘I promise you, on all that is good and holy, it won’t be the same as the other guys, not Oliver.’ That was what Maria told her to convince her to agree to the double date. And Diana was seriously beginning to believe it.

She felt it. After the kiss they shared up in the tower, she began to feel a faint trace of what Oliver had mentioned before. The way he held her hand, the way he kissed her… It wordlessly spoke of passion, desire, longing and… care.

Diana grinned against Oliver’s lips and moved one of her hands down to her own waist. She found Oliver’s hand there and took it, interlocking fingers as their tongues rolled together inside her mouth.

There it was again. His grip felt so… firm, yet careful and loving. He was so excited and happy to be sharing this with her. It was the strangest sensation Diana had ever experienced, and certainly made her unable to continue ignoring the idea that there was something paranormal going on, but she welcomed it and let it blow away all her worries.

She led Oliver’s hand up and placed it firmly on her breast. Feeling that strong hand on her supple flesh sent another delightful shock through her, already making her toes curl.

On his part, Oliver gasped and pulled away from their kiss for a moment, staring at Diana. She grinned and whispered, “We both want this, right? I don’t see a reason why we shouldn’t.” Not anymore, at least.

Oliver’s smile was so… pure. Her heart stirred and her pussy throbbed at the sight.

He began to grope her carefully over her t-shirt. Soft squeezes, gentle cupping. His eyes shone in the faint darkness of the old car in the underground parking lot.

“They’re so soft…” he said, a huge grin on his beautiful face.

Diana chuckled. “Glad you like them. And… Can I touch you, too?”

Oliver smiled, leaned down again and pecked her lips. “Anywhere you want, as much as you want.”

His words overwhelmed her, both in concept and in options. God, where should she touch first? With a racing heart, she got her arms behind him and moved her hands down, touching that toned, shapely butt of his.

Diana’s brain almost short-circuited. Her face felt hot enough to fry an egg. She was touching a younger man’s butt! Oliver’s butt! And she wasn’t just touching it, she was groping it freely! 

“Kiss me more…!” she half-demanded, half-pleaded.

Oliver slid tongue inside her mouth again, kissing her deeply and passionately, tasting her and letting her taste him. Fuck, he was such a good kisser. It made her never want to pull away.

He then put two fingers together and found her already hard nipple through her t-shirt and her bra. He pressed it like a button, then began to move his fingers in circles.

Another shockwave of pleasure, this one distinctly stronger than any before. If kissing felt like a nice piña colada you take your time drinking, having her nipple stimulated felt like a shot of tequila.

They made out and touched each other for… She had no idea how long. Once more they lost track of time, but every minute, every second the pleasure kept building up. It was just kissing and groping, but it was all hitting Diana in ways she didn’t know were even possible. Her pussy throbbed and burned, climaxing in a powerful orgasm she kept as quiet as possible by holding onto Oliver so that his lips would muffle her moans.

He pulled away after a short while, caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers, planting gentle kisses along her jaw and her chin, helping her come down from such a sudden, unexpected high in the gentlest, most loving way imaginable.

“Oliver…” she muttered, pulling him in and pecking his lips once.

“Hm?” he exclaimed, a gorgeous, satisfied smile on his face.

“About…” she pecked him again, “our next date…”


“Sunday morning…” she said with a lightheaded grin. “Come to my place. I’ll make us lunch…” She kissed him deeply this time, licking his lips and giving them a little nibble. “...and dinner. We can spend the whole day together.”

Oliver kissed her cheek. “That works perfectly.”


Chapter 387: A strange interruption.

I had shared thousands of kisses with the other girls, I touched their bodies countless times, we shared intense carnal pleasure over and over again, at no point growing tired of it. Kissing Diana didn’t feel like the first time I kissed a woman in the slightest. That had been when Mila stole it during Thomas’ birthday party. My confusion and anxiety didn’t let me enjoy it as much as I would’ve liked. This was my first time kissing Diana, and it felt both familiar and unknown in such a heavenly way it made me have a revelation.

I had felt like this with all the other girls, too, though I’m not sure I was aware of it at the time. I had the experience of sharing kisses with other women, yet making out with Diana felt new, different, exciting, just like it had been to share kisses with the others the first few weeks. Those feelings had already been replaced by the comfort of familiarity and trust and the excitement of freedom, but these first moments with a new woman were impossible to recreate or imitate, which in a way made them sweeter.

Touching her incredibly supple breasts for the first time made me vividly remember the feeling of touching boobs for the very first time, a carnal and spiritual sense of pleasure and happiness. I began to feel drunk on the taste of her tongue, of drinking the mix of our saliva. To feel her body against mine, so different in height to the others, filled my chest with ecstasy.

As much as I truly believed that Diana and I were compatible, as much as I trusted that sixth sense that told me she and I were made for each other, I still had to admit that part of my excitement was that I was sharing all this with someone… new.

Not that I thought all that at that moment. I had my realization, but my situation made me push it away, you understand.

Diana and I continued making out. She had become more proactive after her orgasm, now pushing HER tongue inside my mouth.

“Mmmph. Hah… Mmm…! Hey…” she spoke in between kisses. “It’s my turn to make you feel good.” She moved one of her hands from my butt to my crotch. My cock was hard, but pressed inside my pants along my left thigh. Diana found it, gasped into my mouth and fondled its length back and forth with eyes wide open and a shocked grin. It caught me so off guard that I was in danger of coming there and then for a split second.

“Are you sure?” I asked her, grinning. “In case you forgot, we’re still in your car, in a parking lot.”

“Hmmm. Then I’m the only one who finds that exciting?”

Holy…! Once she made up her mind, she went all in, huh? Maybe the connection between us was helping that, and if so, I was thankful.

“No. I like it, too.”

I began to rise, but I caught a glimpse of something and immediately went down again.


I shushed Diana, gesturing with my head towards the back of the car. “The other couple is coming over.”

As if on cue, we felt the car move a bit, as if someone had leaned on the back of it.

“H-Hey, not here…!” a girl said, giggling and moaning.

“You’re the one who likes it in public,” said the guy, followed by the familiar moaning of kisses.

“Yeah, but at least let’s go to your car.” Despite her words, the girl sounded excited.

“It’s more arousing to do it next to a stranger’s car, don’t you think?” the man argued in between kisses. “There’s no one else up there. This car probably belongs to a guard or something. They won’t be coming down soon.”

“Hmmm…! Okay, but let’s make it quick!”

Diana and I stared at each other, eyes wide, shocked and doing the best we could to hold back our laughter. Were those two really going to do it against Diana’s car? Out in the open? Honestly, I kind of envied that daring attitude.

We began to hear some ruffling of clothes, even the faint sound of a zipper going down. Oh wow, they were really gonna do it!

Smirking and biting her lip, Diana whispered to me. “I want to do something cruel…”

I smirked back. Daring or not, their antics got in the way of ours. “Do it,” I told her. Be more careful next time, friends.

“Stay down here,” Diana told me. She then began to sit up, making her car move. She looked towards the couple at the back and yelled, “Go away! Some of us are busy here!”

Her hair was disheveled, her face flushed, her jacket and t-shirt a mess. There was no question of what Diana was doing in the back of her car.

“Oh fuck!”

“We’re sorry, we’re sorry!”

I couldn’t help it. I rose, too, and peaked out the back window, seeing the couple running away towards their own car. The guy was fixing the zipper of his pants while the girl hastily buttoned up her shirt.

Diana and I looked at each other again and started laughing. Her laughter was quiet but her smile wide and cheerful.

“That really was cruel!” I told her in a tone that said I 100% approved.

“It’s one thing to take a risk and the other to do something stupid,” she said. The car at the other end of the parking lot started and drove off. Diana and I watched it go. “They’ll be more careful next time.”

Neither of us was mad. If our laughter wasn’t enough indication, we really found it to be pretty funny. We just weren’t going to stay quiet while another couple interrupted us and had sex right beside us. Well, I say ‘we’, but…

“Still, I can’t believe you went and yelled at them. I don’t think I could have done it,” I told her.

“I bet you could have. I just have a bit more experience telling… bad-mannered people to shove off.”

Well, regardless of how funny that was, or maybe because of it, the mood had shifted. Not only that, but one of the guards came out the elevator, looking around for something or someone.

“You think they caught them on camera?” she asked me.

“It’s possible.” I blinked. “You think they caught US on camera?”

Diana winced. “Unlikely. It’s dark inside the car, and the camera probably can’t see inside. Probably.”

“...Maybe we should leave?”

“We should.”

We went to the front seats from the back, fixed ourselves as best we could and drove away, the excitement and cheer of all that happened still with us.

“Um… Don’t take this as me wanting to end our date, but I think I should drive you home,” Diana said. “It’s 11:30 pm, and maybe it would be for the best if you got home early.”

“Yeah. And… we’re seeing each other on Sunday, right?”

Diana smiled. “I’ll send you the address. It’s a little far, but you can take a bus. And… I promise to make it up to you for leaving you hanging like that.” She swallowed nervously. “Any… requests?”

My heart skipped a beat. I understood that part of it really was to make it up to me, but that she’d make an offer like that… No, I couldn’t take advantage of it.

“Only that you want this as much as I do. It seemed like you were more relaxed by the end, so… I was able to enjoy it even more, too.”

Diana chuckled softly. “Then that’s not going to be a problem at all.”

She drove me home and we exchanged numbers. We shared a quick, goodbye kiss and I saw her drive off. All in all, it went better than I hoped. I’d need to thank Maria tomorrow at work.

Oh hell. I was going to get interrogated to hell and back, wasn’t I? But before that… there was my mother.


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