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Hello everyone, thank you so much again for supporting the project! The game has reached over 10k wishlists on Steam, and the community has grown ten-fold on the Discord Server as well. A lot of it has been difficult to comprehend but I am setting the goal to keep continuing on and letting this project grow as time goes by.

With that being said, updates to the game on Steam have been commonly occurring, almost daily. Because of how often I update the game, I haven't found the reason to continually post the update notes on the Patreon page since it is some extra work to do / manage alongside the other things I'm doing. 

Note about the Steam Keys:

Beta Steam Keys that are provided to patrons will be revoked when the game releases in Early Access. When that will be is unknown still. You will be able to hold onto the Steam Beta Key until that happens.

The planned price for the game on Steam is 9.99.

Rest assured, update notes are provided on the Discord server. For major / larger scale updates, I will consider providing notes on the Patreon page.

Again, thank you so much for your help and I hope that you've been enjoying the game experience.



For those that have been supporting will we be getting the game for free or will we have to pay full price for it


It's likely I will be doing a process to figure that out. That's something I can't answer yet right away.