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After long last, the 3rd tech demo for Atlyss has been released to Patrons! 

Thank you for your support!

This tech demo is a little different than the last one released last month, and by a little different, I mean a lot different.

I'm confident enough to say that this iteration is no longer in "Pre-Alpha", it is now in Alpha! 

Here are the new changes and additions:

Character Creation

  • Added Head Width Slider
  • Added Muzzle Slider (For snouts, applies to both currently playable races)
  • Added Voice pitch Slider
  • Updated / Polished Body Sliders
  • Poon boobs are now textured
  • Boob display now works for saving in profiles
  • Larger GUI for easier readability / usage
  • Skin Texture Options
  • Added hair and "misc" color sliders (non functional in this build)
  • Added Misc Options (horns, etc)
  • Added "Trait" Tab (Starting Armor/Weapon, Starting Base Stats Random Rolls)
  • Added fun Customization Animations for Body Sliders
  • Added Character Expressions Systems

Targeting System

Targeting System is still a WIP-- It's not perfect with the priorities just yet but it now has vertical detection for targeting enemies above and below you. Tab / Rotation targeting coming soon.


  • Added Sound Effects for just about everything. Music coming soon.

Combat System

  • Added Hit Feedback Particles (Elemental Hit Effects make a return from Atlyss 2021. The dagger starting weapon uses the air element, the sword starting weapon uses the shadow element, and the hammer starting weapon uses normal element.
  • Added jump attacking system for all three melee weapon types. It's very addicting to use, though powerful at the moment. Will be adding damage dampening to it later on.


  • Added "Tutorial" starting map to understand the controls / learning the basics of the early game systems. To read the signs you encounter, press "R" to open your lexicon to translate them.
  • Added breakables (wooden planks, crates, etc)

Net-play / Multiplayer

  • Refactored and redesigned the Net-play host / join GUI on the main menu. You now choose a character before joining a server.
  • Disconnecting from a server or stopping host will no longer lock you out of the main menu.
  • Fixed a bug where connected players will slide off the world or fall underground while the server attempts to sync their position
  • Client / Server actions will now display on screen for more transparency.
  • Console / Dedicated hosting now mutes all incoming sound from the game.
  • Added "fake" smoothing to enemy position sync for clients, they no longer visually jitter.
  • Better Animation Calls from Client -> Server using state machines / prediction

Skill System

  • Skill system has been added!
  • Mana now has functionality and regenerates just like Atlyss 2021.
  • Only one skill is available in this build, "Leg Up". Mainly a debug skill to run faster/traverse through maps quickly. You can stack this buff as much as you like.

Movement System 

  • Movement control has been refactored/recoded to feel smoother and more snappy.
  • Gravity increased slightly, was a bit too floaty before.
  • Dashing moves a little faster.

Game Build 

This game build is compiled by a newer Unity 2020 LTS version. The only change to really take note of is that closing the game is now instant.

Known General Issues / Bug Log

  • Tab menu has not changed since the last tech demo. You still need to right-click equips to use them, left clicking causes errors.
  • There is no unarmed combat system yet. It will still look like you're holding a weapon while unarmed.
  • The knock-back while getting hurt is very small now due to the gravity change. Will be working on the pain/hurt systems for the enemies and players soon.
  • Sometimes after jump attacking, you will continue to spin for a moment after touching the ground.
  • When you die, you're still alive and can still play the game. There's no death condition yet, however you cannot cast skills or target while dead.
  • Kobold (Yeppi) and Rodent (Chang) races are still unplayable... damn it!
  • Tail Selection in character creation doesn't work. Instead it changes skin texture.
  • Imp body shapes still need work-- some jagged edges appear on the belly area if the bottom weight is applied at maximum.
  • The Imps need better skin textures. I wanted to get this worked on before releasing this tech demo but I haven't had the time to do that unfortunately.
  • There is no way to accurately save your character yet. Pressing F2 while in game quits/disconnects you from the game session, and it may save your progress. It doesn't always do this.
  • Weapon / Armor Stats and other stat calculations are still early and not fully set in place.
  • The debug Enemies (Dokus) are still a bit stupid with their pathfinding and very easy to kill. There's no way to tell by animation queue if they will attack or not either.
  • Sometimes when Enemies respawn, they retain their damage collider, resulting in getting hurt by them even though they are not attacking. This will reset after they are done doing an attack.
  • Money is a pain in the ass to pick up. I will be reverting how money is acquired back to how it was in Atlyss 2021 soon (they just fly to you when dropped and tagged by you)
  • Imps do not have any expressions right now.
  • There is no gamepad support in this build.
  • There are no setting menus yet.

Have any suggestions for the project? Any feedback, positive or negative? Provide it over on the Discord in the #Patreon-Content channel! 

Thank you for taking the time to try the game out and supporting me to work on this for the long term! It's a long journey ahead.


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