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This release mostly finishes up the pomp and ceremony of getting married, with the reception, wedding night, wedding vow tracking, and more. We hope you enjoy it, and thanks for your support!

Change Log

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Was hoping for some cheats or a shortcut to see this new content as anytime I get close I get told "No" for months or the game just deletes the npc, along with half of the end of the week report, I've been working towards even with the mind control cheat turn on. Milkers only work if production is set to poor and it says that your getting full after every action including moving to a different room. Your only able to get about a 3rd full before your get too much pressure and spillage happening with the no spill cheat, yes the cheat says you will be warned but the bar goes down too. Can only hand milk at higher production levels. Does not matter if the milker to be used was bought or cheated into inventory. NPC's basically have 1 flavor of female preferences. Don't know if this is part of why I keep seeing "No" to the step after boyfriend. The using the cheat menu to set fertility to max just forces it to divinely after a day. Saving is a guessing game unless you save to disk. The NPC settings menu is still blank for the beauty settings, adjusted the numbers 100 to either 1 or 5 and both times the npcs were generated as ugly. The Companionship status cheat is backwards from the other status changers. These 2 date back to 2018 as far as the file dates on my computer goes. I like the game but that npc being deleted was 1 glitch too many. Feels like the content is locked behind "No" and game ending bugs. I know there is a bug form to fill but just listing them would be quicker than filling out a bug report for each thing.


I can never get anywhere past boyfriend with NPCs either. It's kind of annoying since quite a lot of the recent updates have centered on relationships.

Libertine Larry

Hey, the game goes nowhere after the prologue. As soon as I say I want to date the girl I am suppose to go to my new home, but all I get is a message that says I have to pay before leaving and then a completely blank screen. Nothing to click on except the escape button, but that doesn't do anything. Is there something I am missing?