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Hello everyone, I'm coming to you from the depths of a mental fog to bring you the public re-release of version 20. You know what they say: "Not rain, nor sleet, nor terrifying cold virus will keep us from delivering porn!" 

The change log can be viewed here.

The entire game, ready-to-play, can be downloaded HERE (209 MB, Mega)

*Okay, so nobody really says that... hope you enjoy the release anyway!




so how are you supposed to handle depression? is it just not working right with the female start? am I missing something? not being able to go a week without becoming suicidal depressed is kinda not sexy. I dont like failing at life ;0;


We're slowly improving balance in all the linked stats, but in v20 happiness is pretty well manageable as long as you are taking care of your health and take the time to get some activities in like meditation, exercise, fapping, etc. Living in a clean home with nicer items will make it easier as well. You can also visit the medical district for a "quick-fix" mental health booster as something of a stopgap measure. Don't go all out at work every day either, as that can make it harder to maintain a healthy balance. :D

Chi Dark

So loaded this, started and this came: "Accidental Woman was expecting 1473 images, but only 1232 were found." Where i should found those missing images? Oh nevermind, i was opening old html that i had renamed without version name.

The Little Things We See

Im trying out Accidental Woman(free version) ang I am having a hard time playing it. I dont know where to go, NPC doesnt want to talk to me. I can only sleep, take a shower, clean my house. Is there kind of hint how to play this game? I running circles around here.


Play the male start and pay attention to the tutorials it gives you. Step one is going to be leaving your house. You need to visit different locations to see things. Also, I recommend not texting NPCs in the middle of the night.


You're welcome, the quick speed is mostly luck of the draw... that and Patreon's comment notifications seem to be working again :D We need to work on a more comprehensive tutorial setup to help clear up some of the less-than-obvious things, it's on the todo list :D