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I've got the long dev blog post I promised right here.

Below is an update to the Colony Ship game, I fooled around with it a bit on my day off, and there are several improvements, including a final score when you choose to colonize. (Can you beat 2.5 million?) Also possibly naked Nazis... sorry.



Bal tha mele

Thanks for the update!

Symbiotic Life

Patreon doesn't inspire confidence because of how they treat their creators? What about the countless adult game devs like you that don't put out something even resembling a game after countless months and months of supposed dev time, does that inspire confidence? I wish Patreon was a bit more heavy handed in ensuring their creators actually had to make a product. Because right now the tiny adult gaming industry is full of people who are either lazy, incompetent or straight up scammers (or a mix of the above).

Ver Greeneyes

So.. what, you're accusing ThaumX of scamming his patrons? I'm well aware of what I'm paying for, thank you very much, and Thaum couldn't be more open about the state of development if he tried. As for Patreon, its job is to facilitate payments from patrons to creators - no more, no less. It isn't *their* money they're paying creators, it's *our* money, and they need to lose the attitude. The only thing special about Patreon is that they have a special deal with PayPal that allows them to host adult content without PayPal refusing service - but that's only going to take them so far. With them doubling down on refusing to apply their own rules in a fair and unbiased way, and apparently in massive debt to investors, I don't see much of a future for this company.


Ah yes the old "I'm not getting exactly what I believe I am entitled to get from this random joe shmoe on the internet I sent a bit of money to so I'm going to get really fucking hostile over the fact that among several thousand people I am not considered special or unique and important, then call them a scammer for not giving me the S P E C I A L S N O W F L A K E treatment I clearly deserve."