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I wanted to get everyone's opinion on using the Dynamic Avatar system I discussed in the Thanksgiving post. Basically, if you think it's worth adding temporarily, or if you'd rather not have it at all. :D



I agreed with the majority in choosing option 3. I don't think the stroke lines (or lack thereof) is such an important issue. HOWEVER I would love to see something more realistically proportioned. If this example was supposed to be a very extreme body type then fair enough, but if this was an example of the average female figure in Accidental Woman then I'd rather not see it because it will frustrate me when I try to create anything other than a *thicccc* character. It can be an idealised/attractive figure for sure!. No need to look up the actual US average or whatever (god forbid). Just something not too immersion-shattering pls.


I think I can fill in enough details on my own, but I think I would like it quite a lot to get a better image of my character's current body shape.

Ver Greeneyes

Agreed, it's nice to have an idea of what my character looks like but that seemed like a pretty extreme example lol. I suppose the question is whether the avatar will still look good with less extreme proportions - in other games that use something similar I think normally proportioned people tend to come out looking rather dumpy (but I don't know if this is the same system).


I've seen the system get used in plenty of games and I swear it gets more hideous every time I look at it.


i am kind of on board with this mentality. what the system does is great, but visually it's just so shit as it is. i'd say only add it to the game once the art is way better. on a side note, these kinds of polls are great.


I agree whit nick and interprestor the dinamic avatar is a great thing but visually not


I'll follow-up by saying I've grown to expect a certain kind of quality from this project. It's why I keep backing even though the game is nowhere near finished yet. I'd rather you take your time and code things well first time around then having to revisit it all later and such. This system? It's an eyesore and a shortcut I'd rather not see you take at all.


I agree with this. Seems like a stretch goal and I like the art that is in the game now even if its not fully dynamic.