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You can check out the post here. Also, those heart-shaped bandages are pretty cool! =D




My only wish is ease of modding after the game has reached end of production. Hopefully something simple like drag and drop into a folder to add custom scenes,dialog and npc's. Even if my idea isn't taken into consideration, you have my full support starting soon. I just need some kind of content


Well, there's always going to be some level of technical work that would go into creating a mod, though I've been trying to keep that as simple as possible. Mod loading right now is fairly straight-forward: click the browse button to browse to where your mods are, select them, and click ok. Then you can change the load order if you wish, and click load. For security reasons, it's not possible to simply search a directory for viable mod files in the browser version, but eventually I'll probably create some reserved file names for popular mods so that they are loaded automatically just like resources. The first order of business, of course, is going to be setting up all the loaders to use external data in the first place. :D


That's great to hear, Also thanks for replying! I can't wait to see the game take off.


You can also keep most of the code open source, and have assets and any business critical part of the code closed-source. Though I don't think your code-base have any business critical code that others can spy on to out-compete you.


This question is gonna seem pretty random. But how much will the pc personality come through directly in the gameplay? I dont know how to phrase that question good so I’ll just like throw a scenario. I don’t know if there will be a scene like this or not in the game, but say that there’s a small scene in game where the pc who has a boyfriend (or doesnt, but the point I’m trying to make works best when she’s taken) is with a straight male friend in her house or room or whatever and she needs to change tops. So she thinks about just changing in front of him because being in just a bra in front of someone isn’t bad anyway. But then she remembers that she’s not wearing a bra. So she has to make the choice whether she’s going to make the friend leave or just go ahead and get her tits out with him still there. Logically speaking, there are several reasons why she could choose one way or another. She could choose to make him leave because she’s faithful to her bf, because she’s just uncomfortable with taking her tits out in front of a guy she isn’t with, because she doesn’t want him to think it’s a hint, or whatever else, or a combination. Or she could choose to just go ahead and change because she’s unfaithful, or because she just wants to tease the friend, or because she’s hardcore into the idea that female tits aren’t really sacred compared to male tits so she doesn’t think anything of it, or because maybe she thinks that it is a big deal but she thinks that they’re close enough friends that she should be okay with it, or whatever else, or a combination. So my question is that if this scene were in the game (and i think it should be), when the player gets to make the choice would it just be two options of either ‘change’ or ‘make him leave first’ and then the player just gets to make up in their head why she chose one way or the other, or would the game come with several different options under each umbrella of those two main options that has the reasonings behind them?


Hey there BBReady, just saw this, but I'm (literally) about to pass out. I'll give it a proper answer in the morning Guam time :D


Also while I have you here, i have a shorter question as well. I remember you saying one time that both wardrobe malfunctions and flashing will be in the game but what about sharking?


Hey, I decided to do a whole blog post to answer your question, as it seemed too in-depth for a comment. It's been posted :D