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I have a more-serious-than-usual post for you tonight, which you can find here. (Nothing bad or anything though)




Turning it black and white made the gif look like it was a 3d model instead of an actual person o.0


Personally, I don't think transparency is at all bad. While at first glance it might seem problematic to let us know about minor issues, it also provides better understanding of just how much you're actually doing. It's something I've noticed in an MMO I'm playing -- if there's a maintenance and they don't actually mention more than maybe one or two things to be fixed, people start complaining right away that if they're not really fixing anything, why does there have to be so many hours of downtime? Not knowing those behind-the-scenes issues that 99% of players wouldn't notice anyway gives an illusion that nothing is being worked on, and that is, IMO, worse than revealing that there are issues.


I'm amazed of your original gifts


i like everything you are doing so far, thaumx. i have exactly no reason to doubt you. in fact, you are the most active creator of a game i've ever had the pleasure of play-testing. i'm not sure if i'm really on topic here, but the reason i give monies is because you make the things i like. as a game that is in alpha development, there are definitely going to be some bugs and speed bumps, but there is also great progress being made - i am not dissuaded from my pledge at all. i dunno what else to say, maybe i'll edit this later when i think of things. i guess for now i'll just try to encourage you by asking if you want some free help? i'm an ideas guy and i do like discussing things.


Help is always appreciated! I'm almost always around on discord when I'm awake, so drop by if you'd like to help out. There's always plenty to be done, lol


I think transparency is good too. It can be easier to see the negatives than the positives, which is why I'm hoping AW will be something like a positive test case for other creators.


Wow! Hypnotic-Boobs is back. Well done, colleague! ;)


nice pair