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The mosaic makes this picture look a lot worse than it really is... I like it, lol.

I've got a few things for you in today's update. Some hair colors, a look at cheat menu improvements, and some clarification on the emoji.

See you again tomorrow ^-^




So interesting)


Are those all the hair colours, or are they just a "select few"? I'm rather missing a more bold red colour. Otherwise they're looking really good :)


haha sir mixalot


They're just a select few, the main natural colors. There are going to be more color options in-game (there already are), particularly when it comes to artificial colors like a bold red. However, it makes sense to concentrate on the more common colors first when dealing with NPCs, so that's what I'm focusing on for now. ^-^


i was waiting for the next public alpha release to see what was new, but then i saw the $5k goal. i like this goal very much. have another backer.


Hey, welcome aboard and thanks for the support. I'm pretty excited about the 5K goal myself, but now I'm finding myself wrestling with the question "should they be animated too?" It's an exciting possibility, but may be difficult with a lot of variable representation. Either way, I think it'll be pretty cool!


thanks for having me. subtle animations in the portrait, such as a wink or a smile, could be very powerful; i noticed that either sara or lily blinked in theirs, which was cool. i personally think subtle animations in the portrait are the way to go, to keep the player's focus on the writing and the gameplay. with that said, what exactly is there to animate, other than the portrait (so far)? a whole naked body shot to view in the profile page of AW is something i would definitely LOVE to see. if that ever happens, then animations on those pictures would be an incredible addition to your game that would really make it shine above others. maybe ask the audience if this is also something they want, as it would require more work, more testing, and more time to complete. i'm sure they would say yes anyway, so list pros and cons if that is something you are wrestling with. either way you have my support.