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It's time for the Bimbo, Perversion, Morality, & Mindbreak post.

Check it out here!




Good post. Its a tricky one to get right and I think you have got it nailed with the way toy intend to this. After all, if one is a kinky perv then one would want to play as a kinky per. right?


I very much agree with the sentiment in this post. The solution seems to be to have it more on a gradient. The more interesting dialogue and character options seem to come with inner conflict or gradual corruption.

Kill La Kill Yourself

I cannot wait for this to one day be complete. Will be one of the best tf/h-games out there.


She has nice pantys ;)

Tat Beard Dude

This! All of this! And some of that over there... But a lot of this!


Glad you think so! Sometimes I like to play with "corruption", but other times it's fun to just start out that way. Hopefully with these options, people will be able to play the way they feel like ^_^


I'm a fan of subtle moral compromises and corruption, particularly in D&D/TTRPG games I've ran. Sometimes it's hard to really get that kind of point across in a story with multiple possibilities. having options for opening up/enabling restrictions will allow more subtle content without hindering players that aren't interested in the subtleties.