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I developed a major migraine a few hours ago, but decided to push through it and make sure everything was ready for the release. I will post the change log in a few hours when I've (hopefully) recovered. For now, there is a brief list of new content in the in-game dev comment popup.




Yo, pretty late for me but it's nothing XD, in the first scene with Lily you have a missing word i think... Pre "cum" can't check which line it is but i wanted to do it for not forget it. Good night, morning and other! Sorry for mistakes in English i'm French


Hey there Originel, bug reports are always appreciated! I'm also excited that AW is making it do different audiences around the world. ^-^ As for pre, it's another colloquial term for cowper's fluid (pre-ejaculate), though it isn't as common as precum. I may change it just to avoid any confusion in the future. Thanks for your support!