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This is a fairly straight-forward poll, I'd like to know your opinion on how I do releases. I get fairly mixed feedback (at least from the more vocal patrons) both ways, so I'd like to find the overall opinion. That way I can move towards the release schedule that the majority of you would like to see. ^_^


  • Small Updates: Small updates at a faster pace. These releases won't have as much polish, because that requires extra work (on top of the normal work associated with a release). But it also insures that it there's always a fairly recent release.
  • Substantive Updates: Larger, more meaningful releases. These won't happen as often, about every to weeks to twice per month. In this case I'll probably allow the public version to fall behind two weeks instead of one.
  • Mega Updates: Focus on a single major release each month (plus bug fix releases). I'll be able to spend more time on development during the month, and have a larger release for everyone. In this case I'll let the public version fall back to being a month behind.
  • Banana!: Choose this if you really don't care about the release schedule.



I usually follow the git of GirlLife since I can build it myself, it's open source, and I can usually fix any errors that occur due to being on the bleeding edge. However for this project I don't mind longer waits before releases since it hasn't reached the playable stage yet. Having the releases far apart means there are bigger and more noticeable changes each time the release happens. Once it becomes fappable however, I would prefer faster releases since that means a shorter turnover between reading blog posts about new features and playing them.


I'm already waiting a few updates between downloads. Often there's far too small of a change to actually notice, as much of the updates are 'background' stuff that we plebeian players won't or can't spot.


Same as Mgunh1 and Mathew here say, I think larger updates are better, at least now that most every update has been so, generators, fixes and very little story . I too might look forward to more frequent releases when the story starts to progress.

J. LeClair

I like Leave2Gether's method for their game. They release an update every 1-2 months and it usually adds a whole new scene/event or two sometimes three. But that game is just a bunch of set piece scenes with a bunch of mundane grinding between repeating much of the same scenes with the same 4 people over and over. With a game like AW it could add a mountain of content if the interval of updates were increased to 4-8 weeks at a time. With updates of that size it would give players a lot to sift through and find potential bugs as well that we may miss with the smaller daily/weekly updates. I've been subbed for i think 2 months yet and i haven't downloaded a single update since the base one i got when i first subbed because the updates are so small.


Thanks for the comments guys. Seems like it's pretty obvious the direction people lean, and I agree ^_^