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So today is Sunday in Guam Land. I did some coding on the NPCs in JavaScript, it's pretty neat so far. I spent a bit of extra time on it today because I had friends over last night for dinner and some board games. Also got to be the 'worst human' in Cards Against Humanity. ^-^  

Not too much more, mostly just a couple pictures of NPC variables. You can see more here.



Tat Beard Dude

Holy Heaping Fuckballs! That's a shit-ton of var! If even half of that makes it into the game it's going to be an amazing treasure for sure.


I have to remember "Holy Heaping Fuckballs", it had me laughing pretty good. ^_^ That's not actually all the variables (the personality variables are handled by the opinion system, so are listed there), and some of the listed items are containers for more variables. But most items are just the NPC version of the PC, and all NPCs share the same structure. This allows a single function to work for any character, and makes it possible to add more functionality with the time savings. The main difference between PCs and NPCs stem from the timing of processing. A lot of PC processing is done as things occur, while NPCs need to be processed on a schedule (apart from direct interactions with the PC). So instead of action-by-action, NPCs just have the same functions run asynchronously on a daily and weekly schedule.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

You're no doctor! I can <b>read</b> that!<br><br>Once AW is all finished, could you please remake the Open University's website? I'm trying to study for an online degree there and the subject matter's boringly easy but the interface is driving me to tears of frustration and/or screaming obscenities.<br>One example: they had us make a table showing all magnitude 6+ earthquakes in the last 200 days, which ought to be a really simple matter of copying, pasting and taking a few lines out of the table they <u>linked</u> for that assignment here:<br><a href="http://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://earthquakes.bgs.ac.uk/</a> <br>except that they wanted the column headers in a different order.<br>Yes, <b>really</b>.<br>Then we were supposed to enter those earthquakes as blobs on a world map. The world map was one of those terrible projections where the lines of longitude were straight in the middle and way distorted at the edges. McBryde-Thomas FPQ, sort of thing, but with the cut-off right through India, so lucky we didn't have any quakes there, eh? No way to type in coordinates. Had to enter by clicking with mouse. Map shows tectonic plate boundaries. Map only shows 30° interval lat and long. Mouse cursor coordinates are not provided. Map is only about 640 x 480 pixels. What's the easiest way to check you're in the right place? Click on a plate boundary, because they're where quakes happen. Each quake is shown by a circle. New circles can't be added within maybe 250 km of an existing one. Earthquakes come in time- and place-clusters, so of course there were several places where there should have been multiple blobs but the tool only let me add one.<br>Then they ask whether I observe anything about the distribution of the quakes. "Er, yeah, they're on plate boundaries. Where else would I click that map?"<br>It didn't help that there was a nuclear test listed among the 6+ earthquakes with no depth and our blobs were meant to be colour-coded for depth.<br>The more I try to study with them, the more I wish they'd hire you to show them how to make interactive software. They have that, you know, interactive software. It's only available if you go though the course one page at a time, though, not in the "view this part of the module as a single page" mode.<br>It includes text-entry boxes. We're also supposed to save our answers in a text file and upload that to "My Notebook" so why it includes text entry boxes is a bit of a mystery.<br>One recent thing wanted me to upload a screenshot to "Open Studio" ... but didn't provide a link to Open Studio, and I can't use the previous module's link because that thing has question-specific upload slots.<br>Oh, and if the video would actually play without occasionally freezing up and popping up a notification that it's not available at the quality at which I was just watching it, that'd be good too.




Wow... Honestly, it seems pretty ridiculous at first how shaky the web architecture is for many universities (particularly online education services and libraries) but when you think about it, it makes sense. A university might have an entire comp sci department, but it's not like that department has anything to do with the school's e-learning platform. (And when they do, in many cases it results in conflict and incompatibility, or reverse meritocracy where the least able to avoid the job is the one forced to do it.) There are some good sites out there, obviously. MIT's stuff is pretty damned neat. But many schools simply don't have the motive to bother much with it, or don't have the funds to go much past "at least it works." One system I'm familiar with in the States is called Bisk Education, and runs online classrooms for several universities, including state schools and places like Notre Dame. I wasn't impressed. I don't know anything about Open University in the UK, but I doubt they're in a position to do much better. :/ If it was geological data or GIS, that I could help with, but it seems that assignment is already over. It's really neat looking at USGS data. I had always assumed that they don't have earthquakes on the east coast/midwest U.S. but it turns out they seem to happen... they're just imperceptibly weak? I know I always thought they weren't a big deal until I experienced one. None of them have been scary, just oddly disconcerting. :P

Chris Dahl

Bloody hell, that is a lot of variables.

Jim Bow

The only thing I've seen build up as much hype as you is doom.


good luck)))


I was just playing some Dawn of War then saw this post's picture. Made my day.