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So the poll technically isn't over, but it seems unlikely that things are going to change very much at this point. AlexW95 came in as the clear winner, though both Justinian Knight and Arteria got a respectable portion of the vote. 

The next step is to contact Alex and let him know, and get started on art commissions ^-^  I'm also going to get in touch with Arteria and Justinian to let them know the results, and see if they'd be interested in working on the PC face portraits. (I'll also be inviting Shino and some others to see if they'd like to participate.) I'll also get to add in the "surprised Lily" scene art to the game as well, which is pretty cool! 

There are more graphs, a tiny bit of boob talk, and a really in-depth discussion about how NPCs in AW "work" in the full post!



Special One

You write too many posts 😅


You're right, I think this is a little work withdrawal, lol. I figured it'll be hard to even explain/say what I'm working on without a little primer, and being so complex, I'll be working on it for a while. Tomorrow will be all about getting a new release ready :)

Icarus Media

You could always go the opposite way, make only a few posts, build tension and hope and then BAM! release a post and instant dopamine and endorphin rush! Plus it adds maybe a little mystery. To each their own though. :-)

Special One

I love your dedication but I can't tell what you are working at... All I know is that it's something great 😄.....I believe the game does have any real content for now

Mr. Gabit

I hate mystery and surprises. They isolate everyone involved. With a one person dev team less posts is the last thing we should ask for. Keep on keeping on ThaumX, some folks enjoy your rants 👍




Your discussion on a simplistic Neural Network type approach was very interesting. Personally I find your posts to be the most interesting of all of the people I follow on Patreon. So, if you wanna make more posts, go right on ahead.


Is there going to be a way to disable in-game art, or at least hide it from view? I personally prefer text-based games like this to stay entirely text-based so that my imagination won't be curbed by what an artist wants my character to look like. But I know that some people like to have art in these games, so I just want to know if there will at least be an option to hide the artwork for those who would prefer to not have it?


Also, out of curiosity, how will NPC age play into AW? I know there are a lot of people out there who have age-specific kinks, like old woman/young man or old man/young woman. But, at least in the version I went through of AW, there wasn't even a placeholder spot for NPC age in the NPC option section, which I thought was weird. Maybe you've mentioned it before, and I just didn't see it. But I feel like it's a pretty big thing to not give any attention to at all, and I currently just don't know what you're planning on doing with it.


Yes and no. You won't be able to disable location/map art, because that's a big part of how you navigate in the game. You will be able to disable PC, NPC, and scene art. This won't change the UI though, so the NPC view window will still be there on the sidebar. Edit: To clarify, the UI window will be there, it'll just be empty with nothing in it


the NPC options page is a very barebones placeholder, and doesn't come close to what the actual options will look like. (I mention that on the page and in the help, I believe) Age will be a thing, and while NPCs will be able to recognize that they are older/younger than you, I don't have much planned in the way of dialog or content centered around it. Of course, submissions of such content to be included in the game are welcome ^-^


Thanks, I'm glad you like it. My thought is that technology has been around for quite some time to enhance the personality and dialog with NPCs, but only a few major studios seem to take advantage of such methods. Most indie games stick with simpler designs in these areas, but I see no reason why that has to be the case, particularly if NPCs are as important as they are in many erotic games!

paiden yen

Why use negative numbers? Isn't it easier to use 1 to 6 instead of -3 to 3?


It's actually easier to use negative numbers I think, for math purposes. If we used 0 to 6, it would just be a matter of checking if the value is less than or greater than 3. (3 being neutral in that case). However, using negative numbers allows for some mathematical tricks, such as multiplying by the -1 to flip the orientation of the question for certain nodes. There are also some other handy functions that we can use to make things simpler. It also makes certain transformations much easier. Finally, with a human mind, I think it's easier for me to remember 0= neutral, +=positive, and -=negative. ^-^