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I got a lot of feedback on some of the style changes, which is great. (It's also why I leave most of the style changes until the public release, to get a larger pool of opinions.) I started to reply to some of the initial comments, but Patreon doesn't cooperate well with cell phones, and I thought it'd be easier to just cover everything all at once. ^-^

It's hard to make a graphic design that doesn't suck on the first try, which is why some experimentation is important. There's also an effect where you become accustomed to something you're working on, and need a fresh set of eyes, or at least to take a break and re-evaluate it later.

Pink Death Ball: This was just me experimenting, as I mentioned in the change log, and it's not actually going to be in the game. I left it in because I thought it was a little neat, but it's gone now. JavaScript canvas rendering is functional, which was the important part of that test. 

Fixed View Areas: These are going to stay, but differently than in the last version. The original idea was to have either the map or the action bar be fixed on the screen, but not both. This way the most important "things to click" are always visible to the player. In sex and social scenes, it'll be the action bar. In map areas, it'll be the map. I did want to try out leaving both fixed, because it'd be easier and slightly cleaner looking. Unfortunately, I forgot to account for those with small displays or low DPI/large font settings, which renders the available window for text a bit small. It's been updated to work as originally intended.

Bubblegum Buttons: These didn't quite turn out the way I wanted, I think that the color was a bit too light for the gradient. I've set up a darker color, with slightly-less round corners to try out.

Computer Speed??? The Pink Death Ball JavaScript animation did take up a bit of computer resources, but there should be just about zero effect from the rest of the style changes on performance. (And the js animation should only affect the start page.) I've done most testing and development on a lower mid-range computer performance-wise, and I've also run tests on an extremely low-end laptop ($200 brand-new). The laptop typically took less than 1 second for most passage transitions, taking a little bit longer for images to finish populating. If you're having performance problems, I'd be curious to find out what may be causing them besides the usual suspects. Please let me know, but include information on your computer specs, browser, and anything you think might be relevant.

I'll be back later tonight with some art updates!



Terebonkoff Game Studio

Great news! I congratulate you with the public release! Great work!


The new buttons are much better, and the lag's gone. If I had to nitpick, I'd add a color difference to on/off buttons, like on the settings panel. And the arrow cursor on maps is kind of weird, I'd prefer a normal cursor.


I'm not sure what you mean exactly when you say "a color difference to on/off buttons". Are you talking about hover effects, or coloring certain buttons differently? The map cursor is a "go there" arrow. It's a result of several comments from people saying that they didn't know they could click on the maps. It's a really easy change, I'm probably going to make a more detailed theme settings menu in the future, so people can customize more options :)


I believe they mean that the color for the button should be different between on and off to differentiate between the statuses. Such as the on status being blue, and the off being purple.


Ahh, in the settings menu. My css bled over to there, eventually I'll be returning those toggle buttons back to the way they looked previously. :)

frederik wøhliche

might just be me thats either blind or not sure how stuff works but there are no cheat version of the recent update aka this one ? or is the reason there isnt because this isnt much more than a art and button update and such ?

frederik wøhliche

also do you have an idea of around when you are implementing stuff to do ? i love all the choices you have in the game for customizing its just a shame i still cant use any of it since there arent really any places to go

Doctor Fate

KInda a random question, but further in the development of the game, will you have random encounters? for example: A friend of your's sees you in the parking lot and decides to approach you, or you're getting out of your car when a mugger tries to snatch your purse( or goes for something more;), or you're jogging in the park and some crazy guy tries to kidnap you. Because if this feature is in the game or something similar that would be awesome. Anyway keep up the great work:)


Yes, random encounters will be a thing. Eventually, you'll even see NPCs "wandering" around in public areas. All of the maps have already been built under the assumption that random events will be happening in them :)


Please read the earlier posts that answer this question in detail.

Doctor Fate

Awesome, I look forward to playing the game, especially when there a lot more things to do. Once again keep up the great work.