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So I've been spending most of my time buried in my work on AW like some kind of lecherous troll. I figured it was time to come up for some air and post an update.

First up is some WIP art by  shino26:

I haven't decided on any art yet or anything like that, but shino26 has been enthused about AW and some possibilities for variable-dependent art. He sent this over earlier, so I thought I'd share.

I Created a Discord Server...

I also added some discord server roles for different Patreon pledge tiers. It's not terribly fancy, but I figure it'd be a handy way to share what I'm working on at the moment without making a million update posts.


JavaScript FTW

So I've been a little annoyed that Twine/SugarCube doesn't support drop-down boxes. There are plenty of places where a drop-down box would make for a much cleaner interface. The great thing about Twine is that with JavaScript, you can pretty much add support for whatever you want. So now drop-down boxes in AW are a thing.

More UI Tomfoolery

I've done more work on the UI, and I'm experimenting with a second collapsible side bar. I'll probably do a poll to see what people think about it, but it's still something of a work in progress. It'll have a working map/link table, character portrait, less critical/more specific character information, and some links/shortcuts to common actions. Please let me know what you think!

Annnnd, I still think the Bullseye map image is too colorful, but until I can spend more time on it makes the different areas fairly distinguishable.

I've Been Pushing Myself

I've basically been working on what I promised for the upcoming release, and taking breaks by working on other parts of the game. Though when I type it out like that, it sounds kind of dumb... So there are a lot of little improvements and work on various odds and ends to make the process going forward smoother, along with js and UI stuff. (also tweego and backwards compatibility function) Fortunately it's been relatively calm around here, so I've been able to put in 8+ hours a day.

Next Release is On-Track

It should be out at some point on the 3rd, earlier in the day if possible. I'll try to have the wardrobe system included in the game a bit early, but that will depend on how nasty the bugs are.



Don't worry, it's not forgotten, just scheduled for later in development (along with swimsuits and lingerie). I want to get to open play before going back for items like that.

Nguyễn Viết Thái

Well i think outfit is the first thing need to be done. Beside do you have plan to add sex toy to the game

Nguyễn Viết Thái

wow that great, i think you can make bringable sex toy, i mean the PC can wear dido or vibrator when working or doing outside,.....