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Lot of little things here. This will be the last release where cheats are open (for $5 patrons). Future releases will have them restricted to $10+ patrons. 

Change Log:

  • Numerous minor improvements.(Including: minor changes to character creation to be more clear/precise, added hidden career background, bug fixes)
    Save system is now functional. 
  • Shopping cart and purchasing system for clothing and items implemented. (With a decent cart-management system to view and edit cart contents.)
  • Best Head hair salon added with several customization options and NPCs. 
  • Added items to the Bullseye pharmacy. 
  • Added coffee to grocery section for first "quest". 
  • Updated game settings to include option for dev commentary and whether skill check results are visible. 
  • Added functional light color theme available from the settings menu. (please report any ugly or difficult to read items. UI bar issue with hard to read labels is known.) 
  • The status view now has the intended design with tabs, not all elements are functional yet (a system needs to exist  before showing it's status or having options). 
  • More cheats are functional though some still lack an opportunity to use them.
  • Lily's bedroom scene has been expanded with skill checks as intended, now includes a minor sexual/oral event. (You need good seduction skill and luck.) 
  • Skill check function is implemented for using pc skills. (See below for details.) 
  • Expansion and improvement of fonts.
  • Clothing style guide is implemented. 
  • Finished morning scene immediately before traveling to Bullseye.
  • Added some content after leaving Bullseye.

Skill checks are one way that a players skills are used.  Rather than simple thresholds, however, I've taken inspiration from tabletop RPGs to use a combination of randomness and the character's skill. The bonus you receive from your skill points on checks is a flat progression up to 100 points (meaning going from 80 to 90 gives the same benefit as going from 10 to 20). Above 100 skill points the player receives diminishing returns up to 200 points. The randomness comes in the form of a weighted RNG. Truly random RNGs are kind of crappy, because you're just as likely to get any result. This doesn't work well for skill checks, where an average result should be more common. AW uses a probability curve for it's skillcheck RNG. plotted as a chance to get at least an amount, it looks like this:



When i open the game this happensApologies! A fatal error has occurred. Aborting. Error: A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object. Stack Trace: cssrules@file:///C:/Users/Zac%20Porter/Music/AW_0-02-0/Accidental_Woman_V0-02-0.html line 16161 > eval:186:9 css_fuck@file:///C:/Users/Zac%20Porter/Music/AW_0-02-0/Accidental_Woman_V0-02-0.html line 16161 > eval:192:13 settingThemeHandler@file:///C:/Users/Zac%20Porter/Music/AW_0-02-0/Accidental_Woman_V0-02-0.html line 16161 > eval:70:3 e/


Thanks, I will look into it. It may be that the Javascript I wrote to dynamically alter css classes isn't supported. I will look into it, for now you may want to try out chrome or edge. If possible, it would be helpful to know the exact version of Firefox you are using. It'll help sorting out a solution.


Sorry about the inconvenience, and thanks for the report!


thanks for the prompt reply. I'm using version 55.0.3


Sorry everyone, I didn't test this release on Firefox. (Doh! moment, I should have after adding new Javascript.) I will look into it, and see if there is a fix/workaround. Unfortunately browsers don't all support the same stuff, would certainly make things easier!


Bug in this version, in the status view your face is always covered with cum


Thanks Althalus. That's more of a joke than a bug, the state info isn't set up just yet, so I was just filling it with placeholder text :)

frederik wøhliche

i really hope content will be added to the game soon XD its a great setup system and such but kinda useless if you dont have something to do after all that creation


Yep, I'm working hard on it! Saves will be backwards compatible soon, so at least you'll be able to pick up where you left off with the previous release. ^_^