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Wow. Yep. You should check out the Change Log (blogger). Lot of new stuff, but a hellish month.

Resources [MEGA 459MB] Required. Extract all .zip files (2) before playing.

And speaking of weird... We spent forever trying to replicate a display issue where text gets hidden for a small number of users. Turns out it was players viewing at high resolution with OS font scaling above the OS recommended setting. Still have to figure that one out without breaking dynamic UI scaling. :P




Westwood Cave - Episode 2 There is no way to pass the level. No matter what words are entered at the two pussy statues, there is no way to trigger the next step.


Still having issues with the ui. I've confirmed my text scaling is on recommended, and even tried changing it. I've tried changing resolution as well. I have the issue on both of my monitors. One is 3840x2160, the other is 2560x1440. Nothing I change on my end seems to have any effect. I've noticed that when I first load the game, after hitting Start on the title screen, the following screen initially renders at the correct size then scales itself up. It could be related to the UI issues with text under the panel on the left while playing. Hope the above makes sense and helps! Love the game!