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Hi everyone, hope everybody's doing well and staying safe. If there's protests or riots where you're from, well shit, I hope everything turns out alright for you. 

I'm doing alright, can't realistically complain about things that are only minor annoyances. Entering my mid semester exams this week, I been buried in homework and tests, with classes rushing to meet the scores they need. It's really been cutting short my drawing time for a couple weeks now that I haven't been able to do the rework of a pic like I mentioned before, but I've still managed to produce a few pics I'll be posting here soon. Hopefully y'all can enjoy those. 

For July, I can only hope I get to draw a bit more freely with midsemester exams over. I got in mind trying to animate something in SAI but since it really isn't a very animation friendly program at all I don't think I'll be able to actually animate something directly from my imagination. Rotoscoping ain't bad tho, so if anyone's interested send me your gifs ideas of what you think would look cool animated in my style. 

That's all for now, thanks for the support, guys, it really does mean alot to me. I hope you're enjoying the content so far and stick around for more. 



Try Krita for animation, maybe it could work best for you. Cheers


yknow I actually do have krita now that I remember. I never really got around to getting used to the brushes and pens tho, but I'll start fiddling around with it, thanks for reminding me!


I personally use CSP for drawing and animating and I love it, but that's not free. I heard that Krita is pretty nice. Hope it help you.