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TL;DR: Coming next cycle.

  • Doodle compilations
  • Golden bikini pic
  • End of Month Newsletters

I'd like to thank everyone supporting me this month, I hope everyone's staying safe and healthy wherever you're from. I been doing alrightish, ups and downs, but trying to keep a good mood. Having online college classes via Zoom sucks but it's also lowkey given me more time to work on art.

I'd like to become more active on patreon and I've tried before by starting with the monthly doodles compilations which I haven't posted lately due to stuff coming up and feeling like there's not enough recent stuff to compile (I got a buncha old stuff but I don't want those to get mixed up). I should have enough now to compile so expect a big batch of doodles this upcoming cycle, along with a new golden bikini pic I got for you guys.

Along with the monthly compilations I'll also be posting these texts at the end of each month, letting you all know how I'm doing, how the month has been art wise, what I may have planned for the next month, etc. 

My plan for this upcoming month is finally breaking free from old works I've been having on hold and moving forward to new projects. Each time I ask and you share your suggestions or what you liked about each month compilation has so far been kinda ignored due to my attention being drawn elsewehere, but I'd like to expand on the ideas you guys share. 

I have also planned to pick some old pics and revamp them in better quality, I already got one in mind but I'd also like you guys to be involved and propose some you're most interested in, so I'll see about starting polls or posts where you guys can share your opinion about it.

That's all for now, I hope everyone stays safe and healthy. See you next cycle.



Take care you too!


Its all good Von, stay safe. And of course keep the thigh game alive👌👌👌😤