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It's tiger time!

Thanks for your patience! The 0.52 update is now available! This update features the long-awaited return to Tai's route including two new chapters, one of which is a brand-new sex scene. And finally, after so, so long... Day 19 is finished.

In addition to the above, this update includes three new illustrations, two new backgrounds (one of which has two variants), and several new outfits, expressions and other additions for various characters. 

So what are you waiting for? Don't keep that handsome tiger waiting!

Download Now! / Play Online! 

Password for Download: r_@BkCs9_hSw


New Patreon Content:

  • Two brand new chapters in Tai's Route: Day 19 Chapters 6 & 7, bringing day 19 to a close!
  • One new sex scene with four unique parts and 14 images in total!
  • Three new illustrations.
  • Two new backgrounds! A fancy restaurant, and a drawn version of Axel's Apartment with 2 time of day variants!
  • New outfits for Tai, Adrian, and another character too.
  • New expressions for Glenn and Roo.
  • New sprite variations for Jay.

New Public Content:

  • Introduces 3 brand new chapters in Axel/Dom's route, bringing day 5 to a close!
  • Includes a brand new sex scene with 2 unique parts and 16 variants in total!
  • One brand new background - a drawn version of Axel's Apartment with 2 time of day variants!
  • New sprite variations for both Russell and Adrian. Adrian also has one new expression.

Bug Fixes and Misc:

  • Fix a duplicate line in Axel/Dom Day 5 Chapter 9.
  • Changes to how Beth's random name generation works in-game intended to better support third-party translation projects.
  • Misc minor improvements.


Jammy Dox

Welp, it's nearly 1:30 in the morning and I have work in the morning, but who needs sleep? Hunky Tiger husbando is much more important.


My night has been made! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!!


Tai, my love, you're finally here! ❤❤❤

Grey Wolf

OMG yes! I love this update!