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Me and my Pops work with asteroid mining at the Pheet System, 200 light years away from Earth. Unfortunately, this system is known for being the home of a plenty of outlaw space gangs and alien overlords, and their casinos. I confess I have a problem with gambling, specially when you're winning and a sexy alien hot dude start flirting with you, probably hired by the place's owners to distract people and make them lose.

My dad didn't know, but I not only lost all of our money but also got some debts with the Aticles, the alien overlords who run the space casino chain at the system. But they gave me an option to pay all the debts: they wanted my old man as a slave.

Humans are still so rare on space-fare that there are some superstitions among some aliens about our species, specially towards the mature male human body, which some of you could perceive it as something almost fetishist. Maybe it's both. So, I knew the aliens wanted my poor Pops as some kind of ritualistic sex slave. 

The Aticles see the human male milk as a delicacy, and the man feet as a lucky charm, much like how are rabbit's feet to us. Fortunately, they don't cut the feet off the men, but they do tie them up to the ceiling in the main room to "let the space winds spread the manfoot luck". And if these milk and feet are from a mature, well lived man, even better.

To "spread the luck", the aliens like to force the feet to move and wiggle frantically by tickling the soles. They find specially interesting how the humans evolved to have such a reaction to soft scratches on the bottom of their feet. Even funnier if it's an old man.

After I tricked Pops to go to the Aticles ship with the promise of a new job, the aliens forced me to stay and watch them tickling and milking my poor dad, naked and lift by his ankles with antigravity ankle cuffs, laughing and desperately calling for help. I have to confess... I love Pops but he always were harsh to me. That's probably why I started gambling in the first place. And also... I always admired his big beefy feet and never thought they would be so ticklish! I loved watching him squirming as the aliens tickled him with so much joy. I can tell he was also loving it, his hard meaty cock couldn't lie. 

After some years I crossed paths with those alien overlords again on a busy big city in nearby planet, with three human men in collars wearing nothing. Pops was among them, with a joy on his eyes and his tongue sticking out, acting like a dog! Something tells me he is happy and well adjusted to his life as the alien's lucky pet.




OK this one honestly gave me a hard on when I saw it. Because “Dad” is perfect. A big hairy bear...no...Grizzly Bear with thick, meaty, wide feet. Under normal circumstances he would be a force to be reckoned with. His harsh treatment of his son. The son who would get a good look at those big, beefy bare feet as he was being punished for no reason. But now Dad’s tender wide soles are at the mercy of these guys who just love tickling his big, tender feet...