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Curiosity about me: I'm a huge Whovian (not by size, I guess, but by nerd levels LOL). And of course I'm hyper-hyped about the specials and the coming new season. So, I'm rewatching every season since the Ninth Doctor to ease my hype (except those seasons ran by Chibnall. What the hell was that?).

I love "bondage" situations where someone's limbs are magically detached, like that sawing box magic trick, like a character's feet placed inside a box while their head is placed in another and some one or something is tickling their defenseless feet and that's nothing the ticklee can do to escape!

If you don't watch the series (spoilers, sweeties), Dorium Maldovar is a rascal blue chubby alien who runs a black market in the galaxy. He ends up having his head cut off by the Headless Monks, who supposedly turned him (his body) into one of them. He didn't die though, his living and talking head was placed inside a box and displayed in a mausoleum of sorts ran by the monks. 

In this alternative scenario, because Dorium is quite despicable to become a monk, what if the monks also kept his chubby little ticklish feet inside one of these boxes, just for fun? Every night, or year, or century, one of the monks comes to that mausoleum to torment the helpless soles of the rascal alien. Due to the advanced technology, or maybe magic, Dorium can feel the sharp cybernetic claws of the monks scratching the soft skin of his blue feet, and he can't do anything but laugh for eternity...



Phillip Bredesen

Yes! This is amazing! There's just something about men on helpless ticklish pieces that's awesome.