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After a secret battle between Earth's leaderships and an advanced flying saucer, the arcturian great warlord General Klee was captured by scientists to be studied at Area 51. Klee was a self proclaimed conqueror of worlds by was seen by his own peaceful people as a rogue space pirate with delusions of grandeur - you see, he wasn't even a military at all. Well, good riddance Klee's ship fell on a faraway mud ball planet inhabited by small pink people who managed to defeat and held him in their prison.

The scientists were intrigued by his human-like appearance. Despite his gray skin, weird bug-like antennae, eyes without pupils and gigantic height, almost the size of a house, his body shape was much like a human's. Other notorious characteristic about Klee was the sensitivity of his skin, more than 4x times of the human skin, probably because of the lack to air friction in space and hypersleep. 

This caught the attention of Dr. Laughton, a brilliant scientist with a devilish kink for tickling extraterrestrial humanoid beings, specially if they got human-like five-toed feet like Klee's colossal ones, the size of a adult male's torso! And due to the arcturian iron rich blood, similar to ours, the skin of Klee's soles had a bright rosy tone. Other thing about the giant alien's wide meatpads that Dr. Laughton absolutely loved was the super wrinkly and soft texture. Not much was known about arcturian raging but Klee looked like a mature man, a true daddy bear kind of man. With outwordly deep and rough laughter. As expected, his huge pink soles were the most ticklish spot on his big body.

Dr. Laughton tasked himself and only himself to study this General Klee personally. The study session consisting of 6 to 12 hours of scratching, lickling, white shower and than more lickling until the soles are all wet and slippery to more scratching and nibbling on the wrinkly nice alien giant daddy soles until Klee is all sweaty and panting. Unfortunately for the ticklish general warlord, Dr. Laughton don't understand anything of arcturian language and can't know if Klee is laughing because he's loving it or if it's being too much tickling for him. I bet big bad arcturian bears like him loves getting this much attention of their sensitive soles...




Redfort you have done it again. I can’t stop thinking about this one. Locked away in his Top Secret section of Area 51 Dr. Laughton doesn’t have to worry about anyone coming into his lab because only a handful of people have access and he is notified days before a visit. So that means that General Klee’s huge daddy feet are totally at his mercy as long as he files regular reports to the top brass. One look at those massive soles gives Dr. Laughton an instant hard on. But he has to pace himself. He doesn’t want to shoot his load too early. He starts ever so slowly. Savoring the feel of those big, soft, wide bare feet. Allowing his enjoyment to build up for hours and hours until he can’t take it any more and launches a big load of cum across the room. Then after a short lunch break he goes back to the lab for more “research”. Although he can’t speak the language he realizes that when he is rapidly tickling General Klee’s big, soft feet the General keeps saying, “Glorpid” “Glorpid”. The natural assumption is that he is saying, “Stop” “Stop”. But then he notices that there is a huge bulge between the General’s legs that is getting bigger and bigger he wonders if the General is actually saying, “More” “More”. I guess he will just have to keep kissing, licking and tickling those beautiful big soles to get the answer. Nice one Redfort. Thank You for this...