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Atop a high mountain there's a temple where the god of rain, Pluvius, resides. The villagers gives him sacrifices and gifts every third day of each month for being blessed by rain to their crops, as the land has been suffering with a apparent never-ending drought, but the deity received the offerings with disdain, the villager's sacrifices were never enough for the stubborn god.

One day, lovers were exploring the mountain looking for a hidden place to make love after their chores at a farm and they found a cave behind the place where Pluvius's Temple is located. Deep inside, laying on golden altar, was the god's divine feet, for the men's surprise. "Hm... Maybe we can force this arrogant god to send rain to us" they tought.

The temple was empty, except for the presence of Pluvius, standing straight, staring to the horizon when suddenly he felt a jolt on his brain. Someone had found where his soles are and are messing with them. Worse, something was tickling them!

Foot tickling was the god's weakness. Older generations of the same village used to spend the third day of each month ganging up and tickle torturing Pluvius, making the god to cast rain for their crops to grow, but this custom was lost after Pluvius caused a flood on a certain day he got tickled really hard.

Pluvius missed it. He didn't want to assume he loves being touched and tickled on his feet to the mortals so he never demanded it. He likes it so much he ended up having a huge hard on. It's a shame no one saw it, but the people were surprised to hear the thunder and the dark clouds forming. And when Pluvius had his tickle-induced orgasm, the rain had fallen, finally!

Seeing that tickling the rain god make some result, the two farm men would come back everyday to torture the rain god, some days they would worship his feet instead of tickling to keep Pluvius pleased, other days they would tickle him lightly to make enough rain to refresh the village and not cause a flood and on every third day of the month they would tickle him hard to make it rain a lot!

The villagers decided they didn't need to give him sacrifices and stop visiting the trapped god in the temple, but some people with good hearing swears they can listen him laugh desperately and moan before every rain...
