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In the groovy days of flower power, there lived a spirited old and constantly bare footed hippie named Jerry. With his tie-dye tank, flowing hair and rounded glasses, he epitomized the free-spirited nature of the era. One sunny day, Jerry set off to attend a hippie camp near a Renfair themed park, seeking a groovy escape from the everyday hustle.

As Jerry strolled through the camp, the scent of patchouli filled the air, and the sound of acoustic guitars strumming created a serene atmosphere. Feeling at one with nature, Jerry wandered into a meadow bursting with vibrant wildflowers. Little did he know that this meadow held a mischievous secret.

Curiosity tugged at Jerry's peace-loving heart, urging him to explore further. As he stepped into the heart of the meadow, he stumbled upon an old wooden contraption that seemed oddly out of place. It was a pair of pillory stocks for feet, remnants from a long-gone era. Fascinated by the ancient relic, Jerry couldn't resist giving it a closer look.

Unbeknownst to him, a group of flower enthusiasts from the camp had been observing Jerry's every move. They were known as "The Ticklers," and their mission was to spread laughter and joy through ticklish encounters with unsuspecting campers. When they saw Jerry's feet land in the stocks, they couldn't pass up such a tickle-tastic opportunity. Unfortunately for Jerry, the lock of the stocks was rusted and he wasn't able to open it to free himself (or he was too high for this).

With mischievous smiles, The Ticklers crept closer to Jerry, each holding a flower with a "magical" polen that could make the sole skin more sensitive to the tickling touch. In a swift and synchronized motion, they lightly grazed his exposed old rugged feet with the ticklish petals. Jerry's laughter erupted like a volcano, echoing through the camp, attracting other curious campers.

The Ticklers couldn't resist the sound of Jerry's infectious laughter, so they continued to tickle his feet with their enchanted flowers. One of the Ticklers decided he was struggling too hard and decided to tie his arms upwards. Jerry's face turned as red as a tie-dye shirt, tears streaming down his cheeks from the uncontrollable giggles. His fellow campers gathered around, unable to resist the infectious joy that radiated from Jerry's ticklish predicament.

That was craziness, even for a pot head like Jerry. The Ticklers were enjoying it, even too much (as he could notice looking to their crotch with something growing inside). His old feet were too sensitive due to walking around always barefoot. The light touch of the flowers was unbearable!

Hours passed, and Jerry's laughter subsided as the tickling petals eventually wore off. But the memory of that tickle-filled afternoon remained forever etched in the hearts of everyone present. Jerry became a legend among the flower-loving campers, forever known as the "Tickle King of the Hippie Meadow."



Johnny Tickler

Please color this masterpiece! I love it!