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When people think about vampires they hardly associate the bloodthirsty monsters with tickling. Actually, because of their heightened senses, their pale sun-fragile skin becomes more sensitive, specially if they have something that makes they weak near them like garlic of a holy cross.

Speaking of it, there is a known legend about Father Romulus, the ticklish vampire who was a wealthy corrupt priest who terrorized a small Italian town for a short time, before he was captured by a mysterious vampire hunter at the very night he was transformed.

The hunter had no respect for corrupt religious figures but had a huge foot tickle fetish, specially on big and meaty male ticklish soles, and he built a special coffin for the moment he find a chubby bear vampire, with ankle stocks at the bottom to hold the feet locked outside the coffin.

He overpowered the ex-priest vampire, put him on a thick black leather straight jacket tight with his upper clothes still on (with the cross he always used still around his neck), took his pants and sandals off and threw the half-naked big man inside that special coffin. He said to the townsfolk to soak the vampire's soles with holy water and strongly scratch them every night with stakes and crosses made of holy wood, because it's the fastest way to to "save his soul" (of course that was a lie) and only stop when he stops laughing and his toes stops wiggling.

The holy wooden stakes caused an itchy sensation on the soft skin of his soles, that turned on hot pink hue because of the burning effect of those materials, making him despair and thrash around inside the dark tight coffin even more, bursting on a rough deep laughter, moaning and cursing his ticklers, threatening to kill and drink the blood of every one of them when he escapes, which makes the townsfolk to tickle him not only at every night but every time!

People would take turns coming to the dungeon under the village church to keep the vampire busy enduring the torment and prevent him to get enough power to escape. And of course, to "save his soul". Some did this out of fear, others because he deserved it for financially abusing the people of that small village and others because... damn, look how meaty and beautiful are the old big soles of Father Romulus! And they're so soft to touch! Yes, some young men went to there only to "enjoy" the chubby vampire's helpless feet, by lickling or tongue-kissing his arches or fucking his soles on a unholy footjob. That was the only thing Romulus liked being trapped like that, the feeling of his feet being adored really turned him on (even without blood, which he blamed the devil).

It became a point of interest for vampire hunters and parascientists (and male foot fetishists) from everywhere in the world. Every year thousands of people visits that town to take a turn tickling, lickling, nibbling and some even worshipping the oddly big soles of Father Romulus to keep his soul safe from his vampiric curse.


Hey guys! Early halloween artwork hehe.

I was looking at the past sketches and I was just wanting to draw a helpless big footed older chubby guy getting tickled for hours and hours, or maybe for centuries, if they're a vampire!




Wonder if a werewolf would tickle him since the two monsters are sworn enemies in stories.


I love how thick his body and feet are! And how the tops of his feet are almost glossy, which fits with his pink soles.