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Renato Ribeiro is a writer, or how he likes to think to himself, a universe creator. His Sci-Fi / Horror novels are known worldwide and inspired some successful blockbuster movies. But now, he is facing a very real horror: creative block in a tight deadline. 

The only thing Renato could think about as he sat in his chair with his laptop in front of him is how he would love to be taken away from that place, tied up tight and have the soles of his feet tickled for hours without escape. That was his secret, a fetish for being made to laugh uncontrollably against his will. A desire that was going to become real very soon.

In a cold afternoon, after one more attempt on writing something good while trying to put his kinky urges away, he decided to wear his good old pair of brown moccasin shoes; without socks because he liked the feel of his soft soles touching the rough worn insole; and take a walk around the street where he lives to look for some inspiration. He wouldn't write a novel about tickle aliens hunting ticklish astronauts, would he? 

His mind wasn't very well because of the block, the deadline and people constantly asking about the novel and it just took a distracted old lady bumping into him in the sidewalk to make him freak out. He yelled and threw tantrums on the poor lady, on the world, on how everything is unfair, how the universes he creates are so perfect and different from that one he was stuck on, while people stopped to watch and record the scene to post on their Tiktoks until he had a nervous breakdown and fainted.

When he woke up, he was strangely exhausted, like he ran a marathon. His body was wrapped in a not very flexible and tight thick cloth. His arms bound like a madman wearing a straight jacket in an asylum. The only parts of his body who weren't wrapped were his head, his dick and his feet. His head had some weird technological apparatus placed on, with some kind of headphones dampening completely his hearing and limiting his head movement. His dick was rock hard and was placed on a kind of milking machine. His feet were bound side by side with his big toes bound together by a thin but resistant rope. He knew that place, it was an asylum, he had seen it in some drawing in the internet, but he was too nervous to remember it.

He started to scream for help when a small figure appeared. It looked like one of those emojis wearing a mad scientist lab suit. It had a frightening smile on its face, a sadistic and insane smile, almost like it was a discarded emoji which was too sinister to exist. 

It stopped in front of Renato's bare soles, almost like it was drooling. The writer started to notice other elements composing that wicked scenario: his good old worn brown moccasin resting on a table, some hairbrushes and feathers on another. A can of laughing gas? A board displaying information about him like his name, age and foot size and another digital board showing strange information bout his feet and mental health, which was displaying "unacceptable". The creature started to giggle like a toy clown when one of its tiny hand grabbed a loose part of the rope which bound his big toes together firmly, forcing his feet to stretch backwards making the soles defenseless while the other grabbed a very rough hairbrush.

Renato's desire was about to begin. 

What he didn't know is that the situation he was placed on was going on for a very long time, maybe years, maybe ages. The Sci-fi writer somehow vanished from the street in a yellow light and appeared inside a room that exists beyond time and space, where every idea and every desire becomes reality. Every time the tickle torture ends, his memory is wiped out by the "emoji creature" and it starts again, but Renato's body would feel everything. His cheeks sore from laughing, the soles of his feet more and more soft and sensitive, his orgasms more and more intense each time. It would be hell for some, but to him, who was taken away from his block, his deadline and his career, it was the perfect paradise he created for his universe.


PS: I've been rewatching Twilight Zone on Amazon Prime this week and got a little inspired. Got carried away with the story hehehehe. Hope you guys like this BAC homage.



Al Chinea

Hotter'n Hell, man!


CAB was the master of the most evil, restrictive bondage scenarios.