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"I've been hired to create an unusual exercise machine which I nicknamed 'Automatickle', although it's official name is 'Robot-Fit 71-C'. Oh yes, it's a robot. I've installed an AI that can scan the user's brain and choose the best exercising program to them. 

It's a 'Gargalesis Exercise' machine. 

Weird, isn't it? I had never heard about it before but the documents they sent to me to help me build it described "tickling" as an effective exercise method for all muscle groups of the human body with the added effect of fat loss due to extreme sweat and laughter. 

I finished building it and I had to test it somehow but I'm not very ticklish. The machine had little effect to me. I live with my gramps who had started jogging around the neighbourhood some weeks ago, he said he wanted to get back to the body he had when he was younger, so I asked him to try that machine while I watch and take some notes. 

I said weeks right? Well, he's getting in shape pretty fast since he started to use the Automatickle! The funny thing is that he always looked so serious and scary to me, since I was a little kid... I would never think he was so ridiculously ticklish. And I never noticed how his big feet were so, hmmm, 'hypnotizing' to watch squirming, wiggling his toes trying to get those beefy wrinkly sensitive soft soles away from the machine’s tickle tools. I mean, I don't get teased by looking at my own grandfather's feet or anything, I just think it's funny...

W-well, the machine is a success! the only thing that worries me is that the AI seems to be getting smarter and smarter, like it was becoming self aware and... sadistic. Haha! Maybe I'm watching to many sci-fi movies..."




grrrrrr .. git 'im!


Thing about a tickle machine is you can't argue or reason with it. It just tickles and tickles and tickles...