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Somewhere underground in Hawkings, IN...

"Poor guy. How long is he being... experimented?"

"Hmm... somewhere between 2 or 3 hours I guess"

"Gosh, I would faint in the first hour. This guy is tough. Who is him?"

"Some cop from the city above. He witnessed something gone wrong and the organization made a deal with him. He can keep some psychic girl as his adopted daughter hidden as long as he come down here to the lab three times a week for some experiments."

"And TICKLING is the experiment?"

"There were many, but the head scientists have been working on this tickling thing for a couple of months now."

"W-wait, this guy comes down every week twice to get tickle tortured for 2, 3 hours?? And this is going on for two months?"

"Thrice a week. And he is trapped for 3 hours now but the experiment goes on for five hours. Sometime six."

"My god!"

"And let me tell you, those tough Tom Selleck wannabe guys are the most easy to break. The scientists experiment on all kinds of people, from skinny nerdy boys in their twenties to old grandpas and they endure it quite easy. Tough guys like him like to be in control. When they lost it they make a scandal. Last week, some grumpy big bodybuilder guy was experimented on and they made him cry for his mommy!"

"And why we can't hear him?"

"They changed the glass for a soundproof one. Thanks god. The noise they did was unbearable. Specially this one. 30 minutes and he's screaming for it to stop. Now no one can hear him."

"Yeah, I guess I wouldn't believe a guy like him to be this ticklish."

"... and he got some pretty feet for a cop. Cute, soft... Not a wrinkle. Pretty big ticklish feet."

"It's kinda hot, isn't it? Big strong guy tickled to tears..."

"Hmmm... Do you have plans for tonight?"


Hey guys, hope you enjoy it. I'm not used to draw "real" people but tried my best lol. 

I used a David Harbour's real foot picture as a reference and they're very different from the ones I usually draw, not wrinkly and very flat. But not less hotter. I wonder if his big feet are this ticklish in real life.



Sean Scriber

I love Jim Hopper! Such a handsome hunk:)


Very Nice 😃