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I've wanted to tell this story for months. A very simple story, but which allows me to explore different characters, their relationships and their personnalities.

I also want to explore different renderings. The different chapters will therefore be narrated in the form of texts, comics, illustrations of animals, humans ... I just want to have fun, without constraints.

So here is the first chapter, The Call

thanks to my husband who translated it and my accomplice who read it and helped me with the text.


A cloudless sky, bright sun warming the air, finally a beautiful day to enjoy the outdoors. Lola put on her sports outfit and took advantage of this perfect weather to do her daily jogging while Zakary preferred to relax in front of his console.

Sipping his liquor, the ringing of the telephone interrupted this moment of quietude. He got up and  answered it.

« Hellooo » he said nonchalantly.

« Hello Zakary. »

« Aaah Mama, so great for you to call. » He paused for a moment before adding, sarcastically, « To what do I owe the honor of your call »

« In two weeks, on Friday, we're celebrating your father's 25th anniversary with the company as a director and we've decided to have a party at the house. There will be directors and employees, some family, your sister... The company will give him a gift and a nice speech. It is important that you are there, as well as Lola » she ordered, according to her habits.

« If that's the reason, I guess we can go. »

« I haven't finished. That evening will be very important for your father. I want you clean and elegant. »

«  But we're always clean and elegant, you're the one who thinks that's never enough... Just the other day, I took the trouble to put a tie on my shirt to please you and you found a way to complain about the pattern that was not to your liking, so... »

« Zakary, I require that you wear a suit, with a bow tie or tie that matches. Is that clear ? » ordered his mother.

« I guess I can do that... for dad. »

« And you tell Lola that she has to be dressed and presentable. »

Zakary didn't like her mother's last word. Irritated, he replied: « But Lola is always presentable ! »

« I want her to be in a dress, Zakary, and you know as well as I do that she never wears one. So a dress perfect for a night like this. It's up to you to make sure that she does. »

Zakary closed his eyes and took a deep breath before answering « I'll see what we can do. »

« I hope so... and you have to write a speech.. Bianca is going to make one too. You will be in charge of representing the new generation of our illustrious family and the future of this company. I'm count on you to prepare a speech that is worthy of the event and the distinguished guests who will be there. I will check it before of course. »

« Bianca is the future of this company and you know it as well as I do. »

« Zakary, you are the oldest of this family, I expect impeccable conduct from you. Write a speech... and I want it in advance so I can correct it and approve it before you read it out loud. Ok ? »

« Yes. Yes, I can... »

« Excellent. I'll leave you to your... activities. Have a good day. Goodbye. » she said as she hung up, not even giving Zakary time to respond.

« Damn... Always a pleasure to talk with her... » Zakary sighed, before returning to the living room to continue his game.

As Lola returned, sweaty and out of breath from her jog, Zak followed her. She poured a glass of water before heading to the bathroom. It was never a good idea to interrupt her rituals, especially for this kind of news. Zakary learned this the hard way one day when he interrupted Lola's post workout for a question of movie time and Lola gave him the cold shoulder for most of the day.

Refreshed, relaxed and rehydrated, Lola joined Zakary in the living room. While trying to hide his discomfortm he got up, turned off his console and joined her.

« So, my muse, did your run do you any good ? » He asks, placing a kiss on her cheek.

« Yes, it did. » She looked at him a moment « You have something to ask me... » she suspected catching him to look away a brief moment.

« My mother called me... » he began, a little hesitant.

She crossed her arms.

« What did she want ? »

Zakary cleared his throat. « She and the directors want to celebrate my father's 25th anniversary and there's a party at the family home. »

Taking a deep breath, he said in one go : « She wants us to be there, but more importantly, she wants us to be dressed up. It's just for one night and then it's over, we'll have peace for months. Does that suit you? » he concluded by smiling more than necessary.

Lola looked at him a moment, before frowning.

« You know very well that I hate wearing this kind of clothes. Your mother knows it very well too. » She complained. « Why did you accept, eh ? »

« I know, but... we're doing it for my father. » He answered, running his hand down his neck. « It's a special occasion and he deserves it. Can we make an effort? » he added, smiling shyly at his sweetheart.

« Hm... to have to spend a fortune for an article of clothing that I won't wear again, I think it's a great waste of money and time. Plus shoes to match because I have nothing to wear.

« We have so much money we don't know what to do with it, we can spend some of it on this. »

This was not the right answer and Lola's aggressiveness rose a notch.

« You know very well what I think about useless expenses, even if you have millions in the bank it doesn't change the fact that it's money thrown away ! »

« Well, we do have it, so... » He says softly, avoiding the exasperated look of Lola.

She frowned.

«I have no idea which dress would look good on me, I am not gifted for that. And it's never comfortable. »

« How about a shopping day with Kim? She's great at advising you and it would be a great activity for you guys. I'm sure she'll say yes if you ask her. » He proposed to Lola, who was still frowning.

A long moment of silence later, Lola exhaled loudly and finally answered with a shrug « Yes, its probably a good idea. »

Zak clapped his hands « Perfect! You check with her and I'll get Tylender to help me pick out a suit. He's good at it and this way I'm sure everything will be perfect. My mother will leave me alone after that. »

Lola pointed a finger in the plexus of her man. « You're going to owe me for this one, Zakary Axer. I hope you know that. » she riposted.

« Yes yes, I know my muse. I'll make it up to you for sure ! » He said, raising his hands in front of him.

« Hmmpf. I'll call Kim, see if we can get together soon. »

Lola turned and went to the bedroom, trying to regain control of her emotions. She left Zakary standing there, watching her leave.

He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes, sighing « well, that didn't go too badly after all... »



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