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FR- Patreon Request

On  m'a proposé d'illustrer Katara et Aang, de l'univers Avatar: The last airbender. J'ai tellement aimé cette série, ainsi que la légende de Korra! 

Je me doute que plusieurs on déjà pu illustrer une scène du genre, hey bien voici la mienne !

EN- Patreon Request

I was offered to illustrate Katara and Aang, from the Avatar universe: The last airbender. I loved this series so much, as well as the legend of Korra!

I know that several artists have already been able to illustrate a scene like this, but well here's mine :)




Very cute! More of Kataan, especially with your brand of fluff is always welcomed.


C'est beau et poétique à la fois 😀


Glad you like! I wanna try the other character too, and my favorites, Sokka and Zuko! And maybe a version of KAtara and Aang adults, I'll see :3