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FR- Un peu différent comme post!

Aujourd'hui est le  Hourly Comic Day! Plusieurs artistes, bédéistes, illustrateurs font des  planches de BDs à chaque heure pour documenter leur journée. Je voulais y  participer mais la vie en a décidé autrement XD JE me suis quand même amusée à ilustrer 'pourquoi'.

Je vais peut-être en faire d'autres aujourd'hui, mais pas 1 à l'heure c'est certain.... je les mettrai sur ce post.

EN- A diffrent kind of post!

Today is Hourly Comic Day! Several artists, cartoonists, illustrators make comic strips every hour to document their day. I wanted to participate but life decided otherwise XD I still had fun illustrating 'why'.

Maybe I'll do more today, but not 1 an hour for sure .... I'll put them on this post.




Huh, I didn't know Hourly Comic Day was a thing! It seems like it'd be fun to do, but I doubt I'd be able to keep it up for every hour. Also, nights like that where you wake up and can't go back to sleep are the worst.


Yep! I discovered this about 4-5 years ago but wasn't able. to do anything. This year I really wanted to try but.. :/ And one comic each hour is a lot of work :\ To stressful Yep, they are the worst 'cause after that you need to manage your day :S