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FR- La continuation de cette série, Captive.

Pinpin profite que sa douce soit liée pour lui faire vivre de fortes émotions :3 J'espère pouvoir un jour mettre en version finale cette petite bande-dessinée que j'ai esquissée il y a quelques temps déjà. En attendant, je  vous offre cette illustration ;)

En- The continuation of this series, Captive.

Pinpin takes advantage of his sweet Cra, tied up to make her experiment strong emotions: 3 I hope one day to be able to finalize this little comic book that I sketched some time ago. In the meantime, I offer you this illustration ;)




C'est... Très chaud chaud chaud, la satisfaction d'être dans ce tiers spicy à cette vue la, magnifique ❤️


Absolutely glorious :) I wholeheartedly vote for a third part of this!


Actually, if I draw a third spicy part, it will be something hat happen BEFORE this scene :3 Tristepin takes good care of his Cra :P If I draw something after, it will be a cuddle illustration, so nothing spicy


Oh, and of course: TEETH. Looks like they are into marking each other.


yeah ^^; Tristepin uses them a lot... it's not his fault, he can't control it :P for Eva.... I think when she bites Tristepin it's always on purpose... to make him feel what he does to her XD