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FR- Oh Eva, quand tu laisses ta timidité de coté et que tu te laisse emporter par le moment, tu sembles plus entreprenante :3

p.s.: Mes patrons du Tier Romantic on pu voir l'illustration qui a inspirée ce moment :3 Ou bien c'est la page de BD qui a inspirée le dessin?

EN- Oh Eva, when you leave your shyness aside and let yourself be carried away by the moment, you seem more enterprising: 3

p.s .: My patrons from the Romantic Tier could see the illustration that inspired this moment :3 Or is it the comic book page that inspired the drawing?




Yes. Definitely approved.


Héhé, la dernière case me rappelle quelque chose 😄


I think the "wait for Amalia to fall asleep" plan might have just gone out the window.