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FR- Voici une autre page de la bande-dessinée ' Réconciliation ' pour mon prochain sketchbook/fanzine.  Beaucoup de monde en une seule case, et ce n'est pas fini!

J'essaie d'avancer cette histoire comme je le peux. En tout, il y aura 23 pages. Je veux tenter de faire 4-5 pages par semaine, mais cela va dépendre aussi de mes contrats et de mon temps en famille :) Cela dit, je veux vous montrer encore 2-3 pages. Le reste, il faudra les voir dans le livre :3

EN- This is another page from the comic strip 'Reconciliation' for my next sketchbook / fanzine. Lots of people in one frame, and it's not over!

I try to advance this story as best I can. In all, there will be 23 pages. I want to try to make 4-5 pages per week, but it will also depend on my freelancer work and my family time :) That said, I want to show you another 2-3 pages. The rest will have to be seen in the book: 3

p.s.: Don't hesitate, if you see some mistakes in the way I wrote the text, to letting me know!




Woah, elle est jolie, Cléophée 😀


Nice page! though, speaking of errors, I got an e-mail saying that there are 5 images in this post, though I only see two.


huh? it's weird... since I only posted 2 pages.. but maybe it,s because after I did t he post, I had to upload the pages again because I saw a mistake in one of the frame?


Nice! I'm very excited for the sketchbook to be finished (though I still need to pick up the first two, aha). As for mistakes, the only one I can find is in the first panel, it looks like "box" has an extra "e" at the end.