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FR- Yugo & Amalia, ensemble

J'hésitais beaucoup à mettre cette image (fais dans mon sketchbook) avec mes feutres... j'ai finalement opté pour un rendu digital.

Note: Il y en aurait long à dire en positif mais aussi en négatif sur la saison 4... Beaucoup de questions sans réponses, de changements... Et on est loin de ce qui avait été montré durant le kickstarter. Mais mettons cela de coté pour rester 'simple'. J'avais envie de dessiner notre héro et sa princesse.

EN- Yugo & Amalia, together

I was very reluctant to use my felt-tip pens for this image (done in my sketchbook)... I finally opted for a digital rendering.

Note: There's a lot to say about season 4, both positive and negative... Lots of unanswered questions, lots of changes... And it's a far cry from what was shown during the kickstarter. But let's keep it simple. I wanted to draw our hero and his princess.




Well what do u make of season 4


Well, without spoiling the story.. we still don't know what happened to the gods... The godess was only crying most of the time and she didn't do a lot of good in this season (but it's still nice to see her). All those demi-gods and no one helped during the battle? It seems weird for me. He learn about them durins season 3 and now 'pouf' they all vanish. Also, Tristepin was supposed to be more.. well, mature (for a iop) and most of the season he was just stupid. I'm glad he was better at the end. It was nice to see Flopin gets his moment but we doesn't know anything about him and Madagaskane after (it's suppose to become a manga... But still. I would love to see madagaskane during the battle) the battle with Yugo and Goultard was very nice. I loved the past with Armand and the way Amalia must take her responsabilities during that crucial moment. The final is sweet and 'cliché' but ok. And I wanna see what's coming next in the manga: the big wave :)