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Hello everyone!

As you all wanted to see different models, we decided to do the full reveal rather than another teaser, so that everyone can see the model they're interested in right away! 😄

So here's the entire "Tale of Archduke Mousin, Tome 2" release! 

This new release will be available on November 2, 2023! As usual, I'll make a pinned post on release day with all the download links, the discount code of the month and the stats book! 😊

And alongside the pictures, here is the list for “The Tale of Archduke Mousin, Tome 2” (54 models including variations and 5 props):

• Mouse Run (1 inch)
• Mouse Stand (1 inch)
• Mouse Shield
(1 inch)
• Mouse Spear
(1 inch)
• Mouse Bow
(1 inch)
• Mouse babies fighting
(1 inch)
• Mouse Messenger Welcome
(1 inch)
• Mouse Messenger Stand
(1 inch)
• Mouse Thinking Mushroom
(1 inch)

• Mouse Beetle Pet (2 inches)
• Mouse Snack
(2 inches)
• Mouse Slide
(2 inches)
• Mouse fisherman
(2 inches)
• Mouse fisherman extended
(4 inches)

• Bat Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (3 inches)

  • Bat Fly
  • Bat Roost
  • Bat Suspend

• Weasel Mounted, Saddle & Wild versions (2 inches)

  • Weasel Sprint
  • Weasel Stand
  • Weasel Climb

• Mice’s Caravan (4 inches)
• Hedgehog (4 inches)

• Mice’s House (4,5 inches)
• Mice’s House lighten (4,5 inches)
• HermitCrab
(4,5 inches)

• The Great Owl version Attack Helmet (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Attack Helmet Mouse (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Attack Helmet Mouse Wild (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Attack  
(4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Attack Mouse (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Attack Mouse Wild (4 inches)

• The Great Owl version Stance Helmet
(4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Stance Helmet Mouse (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Stance Helmet Mouse Wild (4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Stance
(4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Stance Mice
(4 inches)
• The Great Owl version Stance Mice Wild
(4 inches)

• Mouse Props Campfire (1 inch)
• Mouse Props Campfire Fish
(1 inch)
• Mouse Props Campfire Extinct
(1 inch)
• Mouse Props Fishbucket
• Mouse Props Cooked Fish

So, what's your favorite model for this Tome 2? 🐭




That owl is gorgeous, my sister a bookworm and I think he'd look fantastic on her shelf as a Christmas gift. If I ever run a oneshot where the players are all mice I'm now super set, haha.




Does anyone know how to bulk download all of the images at once using an extension? I've tried quite a few and many work for the actual page but when there is a whole list of images imbedded within a single page (like here with 132 images), only the page showing downloads... An alternative would be if you guys included a single zip file in the downloads with all the images. I know you have images in each section, but being a bit OCD, I prefer to have a single folder with all of the images in the one spot)...


This is inane! I love this! Absolute masterpiece to the first chapter. I’m at a loss for words

Ben Walker

Just thought I'd pop by and see what LotP is up to these days, and holy hell, the Archduke series is mindblowing. You've obviously put so much thought and care into these sculpts, congratulations and thanks for such good work.


I love this so much! Any chance of a fox appearing in a future tome? With the snake from tome I and the owl from tome II you're close to enabling a Gruffalo-themed homebrew. As a father who has aspirations of getting a small daughter into TTRPGs, that's the point when I start printing every model and gathering rocks and leaves for terrain.


Thank you for liking our "Archduke Mousin" sets! 🥰 We haven't thought about the next model for volume 3 yet, but I'm going to bring up the fox idea to the Art team. (It might be a bit complicated, though, as we're trying to keep the Archduke Mousin models to a "real size", and foxes are pretty big!)