[Public] [CC] Corner Candy (All) [v3.0] (Patreon)
2021-06-25 03:27:16
A VIP patron request. This mod required a lot of adjustments due to the different transparencies for all the presets. There are some clipping issues due to the limitations of the weight transfer.
5 different themes. Compatible with other cc mods.
- Original Mod from Doa 5 made by Peresabcod.
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/peresabcod/art/DOA5LR-mod-Lisa-Corner-Candy-809467970
- https://twitter.com/SavageMoonBoy/status/1365349509967003653?s=20
- https://twitter.com/SavageMoonBoy/status/1363964952315371520?s=20
- https://twitter.com/SavageMoonBoy/status/1408118563676827655?s=20
- https://twitter.com/SavageMoonBoy/status/1409200942101286912?s=20
- https://youtu.be/zmgDSBoQb4k
- https://youtu.be/k9iHzqm-SNk
- https://youtu.be/haCSUKsrobM
- https://youtu.be/vvTIAJZj6_g
- https://youtu.be/g5hD1-DOdgA
- https://youtu.be/p6WhduFTAns
- https://youtu.be/XhQ0m-Xk_zY
- https://youtu.be/fiOXxJKbktw
- https://youtu.be/ez5lvPSowmY
Installation guide for new people:
- Before anything else. You can download Mod Manager by Avenger54 to make most of the installation automatic. This is the link: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/12968-venus-vacation-mod-manager/
- First you must install 3dmigoto, follow the instructions in the link below: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/13255-doaxvv-base-costume-3d-vision-mod-support/
- After that, you will need to install "Costume Customizer". This mod only works with versions +2.0 of CC. Everything is explained in the following link: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/7305-costume-customizer-framework-mod-v21-452020/
- Next. This mod uses a high resolution skin. Which you can get from here: https://www.loverslab.com/files/file/8479-skins-textures-v3-created-by-hi-metal/
- Now download the file from this post and extract it into one of the Costume Customizer folders (1, 2, 3, etc.).
- Finally press F10 to reload your mods.
In case the shine effects are lost. Check this post to get the last update: https://www.patreon.com/posts/shine-effects-01-45111240
Let me know if there is any bug or problem.
- 0.5 Early access
- 1.0 New textures, previews, presets and meshes were adjusted.
- 1.1 Fixed leg seam.
- 1.2 Mod compatible with shine effects update.
- 1.9 Honoka's version was added.
- 2.0 New meshes, variations and previews.
- 2.5 Marie's version was added.
- 3.0 Improvements in the weight transfer for the Marie's version. New previews.