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She's awake! Man your stations!

I'm gonna try being real vulnerable with you for a second. Today's my birthday, but everyday feels like my birthday waking up to you supporting me here, for real. This is the first time I've made consistent income creating on my own terms. I've been in the arts my whole life. It wasn't until I'd been doing freelance graphic design for a few years that I started making enough that I might be able to consider doing art full time, but straight up, it's a giant infinite humble pie endeavoring to please the rotating doors of client after client for years on end. It was good for me in ways. I grew a lot as a person learning to have a servant's heart for each of my clients while valuing my worth and work as a designer, but in my heart I've always wanted to create what I want, the way that I want... So, a year ago, I embraced my shadow (as Carl Jung would say), started this giantess experiment and decided to try it for a year to see if it would be a viable expenditure of my time. As you've prolly noticed, I'm still going, and that's all thanks to you. So, please accept my gratitude. I hope this conveys why you supporting means a lot to me. Here's to another year.





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