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Tytantroll Miniatures and I are both doing Strahd themed minis this month so we are taking the opportunity to do a crossover event!

Rahadin the Dusk Elf will be a bonus mini you can get now from the normal download spot! There will also be a special free trial month of Tytantroll going out for those of you backing as of today as an additional loyalty reward! So keep an eye on your email for that :D (Late comers will get the files at the end of the month - to avoid missing someone)

*These minis are not included in the TGM merchant tier as sellable product



Julio Silva

Hi! Just to clarify, does this mean if we subscribed to TGM this month, a free trial month of TytanTroll will also be included? Thanks!


Yep, there may be a delay in getting the Tytanntroll trial as we have to manually enter new patrons but yes you will get the monthly release from them as well