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While we wait for the downloads to go live how about we brainstorm themes for the Next release! Leave ideas below and like your favorites that others post!



maybe something forest-y? cave-y?

David Ammann

I’ll sing the song of my people… bug people, with six limbs from the thorax; tiny fairies, sculpted against clouds or plants so that they can print small; fantasy with a western vibe, slinging spells, crossbows, and whiskey; hybsils running through the forest; and monsters, whether it’s owlbears, hooked horrors, ropers, bullettes, or carnivorous plants. Also, I’d love to see a monster that has four legs and four arms radially arranged, with a long pointy head, and sabers in each hand.


I love how your releases are very outside the box. What about Circus or Carnival? Goblins dressed as circus animals sitting in certain positions with a beefy orc as the “lion tamer”. You have your ostentatious bard ringmaster, elf acrobats, halfling or gnome clowns/jesters, tiefling magician and his assistant. So many options!!


Aristocratic non-humans. Pre-Revolutionary French fashions on unexpected races. Big muscly half-orcs in powdered wigs, goblins with birdcages in their hair, elves in giant poofy dresses. Gnome dressed like Napoleon. Dragon born Admiral.

Marie Stevens

Monster girls, monster girls


i'd love to see some feywild beasties and archfey! your sculpts are so detailed and whimsical...MADE FOR FEY. ^_^ that, or maybe some crazy plants!

Nathaniel W.

Zombie horde of fantasy creatures and races.

Molly Landgraff

Artificer's workshop, different flavors of artifice and mechanical wonders and goblins and Garry piloting a mechsuit


I would personally love to see more Axolotls. Not necessarily more Aztec ones, but some sort of group of them where their gill ferns stand out well.


I vote Steampunk fantasy :)


An expansion on Grub and Stacy's Mom having a brick and mortar restaurant together with some different poses for them would be really interesting.


More buff female characters.


Metal gear...but fantasy characters?

Aaron Given

It's April, so it's gotta be bunny girls, right?


Flip the traditional fantasy cast dynamic and do adventurers and common folk of monstrous species. I've been waiting for someone to do kobolds (vs. halflings or goblins) as a culturally-rich community with traveling minotaur, drow, yuan-ti, gnoll, etc. heroes 🤩


Goblin in a bunny suit. Assimar rabbit folk.


Something fancy? You do enjoy the occassional fancy gown and noble, so a whole set might be fun for you. A royal court set or some kind of knight-tourney? Alternatively: pit/arena set or maybe a jungle set; Amazon tribes, aztecs, lizardmen, voodoo, something like that? I wouldn't mind some kind of llama

Saint Bomber

Fantasy organized crime family in fine suits and severe hairstyles.

The Weezel

Well I doubt this idea will be used but Fantasy Strip Club. Sexy Men and Sexy Women dancing (and since it is fantasy races what is "Sexy" is very broad) and patrons enjoying the shows. It may be a bit much but I figure that patrons can easily be transitioned into more diverse groups in tavern scenes and dancers can be used as captives and harems.


Goodness! I love all the suggestions it's almost hard to think of my own! I really like the idea of a mercenary academy. Young to-be adventurers still learning their trade in a guild or school-like setting. Not like a magical highschool or strixhaven situation, but more or less a serious vocation for scouted hopefuls (Orphans or outcasts?). Maybe more like a Jedi or a Witcher idea. They might have a uniform aesthetic, but mixed focuses. So even if a student was a mage naturally, they might be more balanced and capable of using a variety of weapons. And it could be a mix of teenagers and younger students too, along with their teachers. (ex-adventurers themselves). I know I like to include younger characters in my campaigns as a kind of responsibility/danger element for my party. I think the deisgns of TwinGoddess really lend themselves to young and endearing characters, the races could be incredibly diverse, as well as the class typing. Not to mention some greying, older ex-adventurers are awesome!


Yeah! And I feel like you can really go wild with Fae idea! Adding extra wings and what-not. Always fun!

David Ammann

I definitely want to see a halfling Vito Corleone, barefoot, and wearing either a suit or a cardigan (whether it’s the day of his daughter’s wedding or playing with his grandson in the garden).


femboy bards , can't find them anywhere ;-;

LP Wilson

Afro-futurism! Like Wakanda. But with fantasy races mixed in. Especially snake people. Desert-dwellers. Wearing lots of beaded jewelry and beaded cloth.


Whatever the set theme ends up being, I would love to see a halfling or 2 involved. They are a main playable race in most games like D&D but are underrepresented in minature options. I think you have a good sense of proportion when it comes to small races, far better than many other artists I subscribe to, and could make actually decent halflings